Optimal Mirrleesean taxation in a Ben-Porath economy

M Kapička - American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015 - aeaweb.org
I characterize optimal taxes in a life-cycle economy where ability and human capital are
unobservable. I show that unobservable human capital effectively makes preferences over …

Taxation under learning by doing

M Makris, A Pavan - Journal of Political Economy, 2021 - journals.uchicago.edu
We study optimal income taxation when workers' productivity is stochastic and evolves
endogenously because of learning by doing. Learning by doing calls for higher wedges and …

Age‐Dependent Taxes with Endogenous Human Capital Formation

CE da Costa, MR Santos - International Economic Review, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
We assess the gains attained by the introduction of age‐dependent labor income taxes in an
overlapping generations economy where individuals live a meaningful life cycle and …

[PDF][PDF] Wedge dynamics with evolving private information

M Makris, A Pavan - 2020 - faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu
This paper uses a recursive approach to arrive at a concise formula describing the forces
responsible for the dynamics of wedges (ie, distortions in the second-best allocations …

[引用][C] Wedge Dynamics with Endogenous Private Information: A General Recursive Characterization

M Makris, A Pavan - 2018 - mimeo, Northwestern University