Youth Cyberbullying sebagai Tema Penciptaan Karya Seni Lukis

AWK Ayuningtari - Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 2022 -
The background of this research is based on the occurrence and emergence of
cyberbullying cases that afflict Indonesian teenagers. Youth are considered unable to filter …

Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak Sebagai Korban Tindak Pidana Cyberbullying

AJ Adnan, D Putriyani, HA Wibowo… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 -
The development of misused information technology has resulted in the emergence of
modern crimes such as cyberbullying, which uses the internet as a means of carrying it out …

The Forms of Cyberbullying Behavior among Teenage Students: A Systematic Literature Review

CK Yemima - Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan, 2023 -
This study aims to collect and analyze articles related to the various causes and forms of
cyberbullying among adolescents in the age range of 13-19 years and to identify more …

Analisis Aktivitas Cyber Bullying Pengguna Facebook Melalui Browser Chrome Dengan Pendekatan Live Forensics

F Dwi - Jurnal TIMES, 2023 -
Selain sebagai tempat bersosialisasi, internet dapat menjadi sarang bagi berbagai jenis
kejahatan digital. Salah satunya ialah cyber bullying. Sosial media, terutama Facebook …

The correlation between self-control and cyberbullying at private high school X in Bogor

N Fiddiana, AB Priyambodo - KnE Social Sciences, 2022 -
Teenagers try to develop their identity. Adolescents who fail to realize their identity may
develop problematic behaviors. Technological developments have had a major impact, such …

Perundungan Dunia Maya pada Anak: Tinjauan Fenomena dan Tren dalam Rentang 2016–2020

R Al Adawiah, FN Eleanora - Aspirasi: Jurnal Masalah …, 2023 -
Cyberbullying has become a worrying phenomenon, especially among children. Increased
use of the internet and social media among children may increase their risk of experiencing …

Pengungkapan Diri di Dunia Maya dan Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan

RS Purna, S Sartana, T Millenia, F Afrilda - Kafaah: Journal of Gender …, 2021 -
The Internet has not become yet a secure world for women. Many women become targets of
violence in cyberspace. The willingness of women to respond, introduce, and open up …

Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Penyimpangan Perilaku Remaja (Cyberbullying)

NN Aulia - IJBITH Indonesian Journal of Business …, 2024 -
Study examines the impact of social media on adolescent deviant behavior, specifically
related to cyberbullying. In this era of globalization, the use of social media has become an …

Pengaruh Kontrol Diri terhadap Perilaku Cyberbullying Pada Remaja

EQM Fatma, MW Agustina - Happiness: Journal of …, 2023 -
Banyaknya fenomena pengguna gadget di masa sekarang mulai dari anak-anak sampai
orang dewasa, jika dalam menggunakan gadget tidak dikontrol dengan baik maka akan …

Indonesian Cyberbullying Issues: The Impoliteness in Communication

N Muthi'ah, U Mono… - … : International Journal of …, 2022 -
This paper is aimed at describing the cyberbullying issues that occur in social media
platform especially in Instagram. The qualitative method is used in this paper. The data …