Metode Exponential Smoothing untuk Forecasting Jumlah Penduduk Miskin di Kota Langsa

M Mirdaolivia, A Amelia - Jurnal Gamma-PI, 2021 -
Kemiskinan merupakan suatu keadaan ketidakmampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar
seperti makanan, pakaian, tempat berlindung dan kesehatan. Permasalahan kemiskinan …

[PDF][PDF] Psychological Aspects of Poverty Alleviation in the Qur'an; Discourse on the Role of the Government and BAZNAZ

C Rois¹, AW Zulkifli - 2023 -
Qur'an takes seriously the issue of poverty alleviation. Hence, the Government and BAZNAS
also prioritize poverty alleviation with various efforts and programs. According to Statistics …

Studi Fenomenologi Dampak Kemiskinan Terhadap Motivasi Sekolah Anak Pesisir di Desa Pliwetan

AF Cannavaro, DA Romadlon - Jurnal Perspektif, 2023 -
The economic conditions of the parents of children at both the elementary and high school
levels in Pliwetan Village varied, starting from the lower, middle and upper economic levels …

Tingkah Laku Kepemimpinan Pengetua dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Guru Terhadap Pembentukan Efikasi Kendiri Guru

NSA Kadir, FM Kutty - Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences …, 2023 -
Efikasi kendiri guru merupakan aspek penting dalam menangani isu keciciran pendidikan
murid luar bandar. Tinjauan literatur mendapati pencapaian akademik murid luar bandar …

Tingkah Laku Kepemimpinan Pengetua dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Guru Terhadap Pembentukan Efikasi Kendiri Guru

NS Abdul Kadir, F Mydin Kutty - Malaysian Journal of Social …, 2023 -
Efikasi kendiri guru merupakan aspek penting dalam menangani isu keciciran pendidikan
murid luar bandar. Tinjauan literatur mendapati pencapaian akademik murid luar bandar …

The Impact of Poverty in Indonesia on Education

FA Suhendar, RV Sari, T Pangesti… - JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu …, 2024 -
Poverty is a serious problem that Indonesia still faces. One of the concerning impacts in
Indonesia is limited access to education. Economic inequality is one of the main factors in …

Kondisi Ekonomi Orang Tua dan Kelangsungan Pendidikan Anak Pasca Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun; Masihkah Searah?

MF Islam - EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan …, 2023 -
The socio-economic situation of the family plays a role in children's development. This
research seeks to analyze more deeply the relationship between parents' economic …

Dynamics of Education of Fishermen's Children in Tanakeke Island in Phenomenological Perspective

This study aims: 1) how is the economic condition of parents in Balang Datu Village,
Tanakeke District, Takalar Regency? 2) What is the education level of fishermen's children …

[PDF][PDF] Economic Hardship and Its Implications for Student Motivation and Achievement: A Review of the Literature

DANH Putri, VW Cristie, AR Pradana, DM Zulfikar - 2023 -
This literature review examines the impact of economic hardship on the motivation and
achievement of students, focusing on how socioeconomic disadvantages affect their overall …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Produksi Hasil Tangkapan, Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Dan Aksesibilitas Lembaga Keuangan Formal Terhadap Nilai Tukar Nelayan Di Muara …

AP Setiawinata, B Wahyudi, PA Purba - Ekonomi Pertahanan, 2019 -
Most fishermen in Indonesia are still experiencing poverty. One measure that reflects the
welfare of fishermen is using NTN (Fisherman Exchange Rate). NTN is influenced by …