Exploration of Wasatiyah Diction to Realize Sustainable Tolerance Between Religious Communities: A Study of the Translation of the Quran of the Ministry of …

A Nirwana, S Suri, D Junaedi… - … Gestão Social e …, 2024 - rgsa.openaccesspublications.org
Objective: This study aims to question the diction of the Ministry of Religious Affairs'
translation of the Quran in maintaining tolerance between religious communities in …

Thematic Tafsir Study: Religious Moderation in the Qur'an

BN Hoir - Bulletin of Islamic Research, 2023 - birjournal.com
Islam is the religion of Rahmatan lil'alamin brought by our apostle Muhammad (peace be
upon him). If we say so, it means that we also recognize that Islam is a flexible religion …

Multicultural Islamic Religious Education Based on Local Wisdom: The Analysis of" SILAS" Values in Sundanese Culture

D Anggraeni, A Hadiyanto… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 - ejournal.uit-lirboyo.ac.id
Extreme religious understanding is one of the potentials that can hinder a harmonious
religious life. Islamic religious education at universities has a significant role in shaping …

Strengthening Character Education: An Action Research in Forming Religious Moderation in Islamic Education

A Saepudin, T Supriyadi, D Surana, I Asikin - International Journal of …, 2023 - ijlter.net
A country with religious and cultural diversity, such as Indonesia, necessitates the cultivation
of a moderate attitude, particularly through character education. This study aims to identify …

The internalization of religious moderation values in aqidah and akhlaq courses at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of IAIN Kerinci

MM Pohan, RS Wisda - Asatiza: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2024 - ejournal.stai-tbh.ac.id
The diversity of Indonesian society is reflected in the variety of ethnicities, religions, races,
and social groups spread across the archipelago. Religious moderation is recognized as a …

Idealisasi dan rencana aksi Moderasi Beragama di kalangan mahasiswa Teologi berbeda agama di Indonesia

MY Wibisono, A Kodir, P Setia - 2024 - digilib.uinsgd.ac.id
Sebagai insan yang hidup dalam bingkai keberagaman agama di Indonesia, kita
senantiasa dihadapkan pada tantangan harmoni sosial dan perlunya moderasi beragama …

What content offers and how teachers teach: Religious Moderation-integrated teaching in Indonesia

Y Hanafi, M Saefi, TN Diyana… - HTS Theological …, 2023 - scielo.org.za
What and how to teach religious moderation at the undergraduate level still concerns
academics. This study aims to explore the perceptions of lecturers and students about the …

Internalisasi nilai karakter religius nasionalis untuk mencegah paham transnasional radikal di Indonesia dan Jerman

FK Anam, MA Ikhsan, Y Hanafi… - Transformasi: Jurnal …, 2022 - journal.uinmataram.ac.id
Abstract [Bahasa]: Radikalisme menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi bukan hanya
Indonesia tetapi juga di berbagai negara. Kegiatan radikalisme ini memberikan gambaran …

The New Concept of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Values: An Investigation of Religious Moderation and Citizenship Teaching in Pesantren-Integrated Schools

MA Ikhsan, M Marzuki, S Suharno… - … Pendidikan Nilai dan …, 2024 - waskita.ub.ac.id
This study aims to understand the implementation of the new concept of Aswaja an-
Nahdliyah in teaching religious moderation and citizenship in pesantren integrated schools …

Devising an impactful religious moderation workshop for teachers and principals: The practice of Ice Berg analysis and U theory perspective

Y Hanafi, M Saefi, MA Ikhsan, TN Diyana… - Journal of …, 2024 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
In the academic setting, teachers and school principals are often faced with the problem of
identifying and developing strategies to strengthen the atmosphere of religious moderation …