Situated learning in computer science education

M Ben-Ari - Computer Science Education, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Sociocultural theories of learning such as Wenger and Lave's situated learning have been
suggested as alternatives to cognitive theories of learning like constructivism. This article …

[PDF][PDF] Teaching recursion before loops in CS1

F Turbak, C Royden, J Stephan… - Journal of Computing in …, 1999 -
Traditionally, loops are a central topic in a CS1 course but recursion is viewed as an
advanced topic that is either taught near the end of the course or not taught at all. Taking a …

Comparison of software complexity metrics

AA Khan, A Mahmood, SM Amralla… - International Journal of …, 2016 -
One of the main problems in software engineering is the inherent complexity. Complexity
metric is used to estimate various parameters such as software development cost, amount of …

Dekonstruktion von Informatiksystemen als Unterrichtsmethode-Zugang zu objektorientierten Sichtweisen im Informatikunterricht

T Hampel, J Magenheim, C Schulte - Informatik und Schule …, 1999 - Springer
Im didaktischen Forschungsprojekt OMI (objektorientiertes Modellieren im
Informatikunterricht) am Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik der Universität-GH Paderborn …

Fuzzy OOP: expanded and reduced term interpretations

R Shmallo, N Ragonis, D Ginat - Proceedings of the 17th ACM annual …, 2012 -
We display a novel perspective of novice OOP difficulties. In a thorough study of 120
undergraduates, in their first OOP course, we noticed a variety of misconceptions and …

The abstraction-first approach to data abstraction and algorithms

P Machanick - Computers & Education, 1998 - Elsevier
Experience in industry suggests that reuse does not happen without retraining. However,
since reuse is meant to simplify programming, this paper argues the case for re-ordering a …

[图书][B] Least square optimization techniques applied on sheet metal forming

B Endelt - 2003 -
This thesis presents the main results of a three year research period. The work has been
funded by Center for Industrial Production, Department of Production, Aalborg University …

[PDF][PDF] Carbon dioxide emission trade impact on power generation portfolio

EJL Chappin - Agent-based Modelling to Elucidate Influences of …, 2006 -
Carbon Dioxide Emission Trade Impact on Power Generation Portfolio: Agent-based Modelling
to Elucidate Influences of Emission Tr Page 1 See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this …

[PDF][PDF] Vrml primer and tutorial

DK Schneider, S Martin-Michiellot - University of Geneva, 1998 -
VRML Primer and Tutorial Page 1 VRML Primer and Tutorial Daniel K. Schneider1 and
Sylvere Martin-Michiellot2 TECFA3, Faculte de Psychologie et des sciences de l'education …

A simple Java package for GUI-like interactivity

E Koffman, U Wolz - Proceedings of the thirty-second SIGCSE technical …, 2001 -
This paper discusses the motivation for a simple package designed to incorporate user
interactivity into a first course in computer science. The package enables novice …