Language-routing mixture of experts for multilingual and code-switching speech recognition
W Wang, G Ma, Y Li, B Du - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.05956, 2023 -
Multilingual speech recognition for both monolingual and code-switching speech is a
challenging task. Recently, based on the Mixture of Experts (MoE), many works have made …
challenging task. Recently, based on the Mixture of Experts (MoE), many works have made …
Learning asr pathways: A sparse multilingual asr model
Neural network pruning compresses automatic speech recognition (ASR) models effectively.
However, in multilingual ASR, language-agnostic pruning may lead to severe performance …
However, in multilingual ASR, language-agnostic pruning may lead to severe performance …
Towards zero-shot code-switched speech recognition
In this work, we seek to build effective code-switched (CS) automatic speech recognition
systems (ASR) under the zero-shot set-ting where no transcribed CS speech data is …
systems (ASR) under the zero-shot set-ting where no transcribed CS speech data is …
Language-specific acoustic boundary learning for mandarin-english code-switching speech recognition
Code-switching speech recognition (CSSR) transcribes speech that switches between
multiple languages or dialects within a single sentence. The main challenge in this task is …
multiple languages or dialects within a single sentence. The main challenge in this task is …
Semi-supervised learning for code-switching asr with large language model filter
Code-switching (CS) phenomenon occurs when words or phrases from different languages
are alternated in a single sentence. Due to data scarcity, building an effective CS Automatic …
are alternated in a single sentence. Due to data scarcity, building an effective CS Automatic …
Improving multilingual and code-switching asr using large language model generated text
We investigate using large language models (LLMs) to generate text-only training data for
improving multilingual and code-switching automatic speech recognition (ASR) through a …
improving multilingual and code-switching automatic speech recognition (ASR) through a …
Improving Code-Switching and Named Entity Recognition in ASR with Speech Editing based Data Augmentation
Recently, end-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) models have made great
strides and exhibit excellent performance in general speech recognition. However, there …
strides and exhibit excellent performance in general speech recognition. However, there …
Sc-moe: Switch conformer mixture of experts for unified streaming and non-streaming code-switching asr
S Ye, S Chen, X Hu, X Xu - arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.18021, 2024 -
In this work, we propose a Switch-Conformer-based MoE system named SC-MoE for unified
streaming and non-streaming code-switching (CS) automatic speech recognition (ASR) …
streaming and non-streaming code-switching (CS) automatic speech recognition (ASR) …
BA-MoE: Boundary-Aware Mixture-of-Experts Adapter for Code-Switching Speech Recognition
Mixture-of-experts based models, which use language experts to extract language-specific
representations effectively, have been well applied in code-switching automatic speech …
representations effectively, have been well applied in code-switching automatic speech …
LAE-ST-MOE: Boosted Language-Aware Encoder Using Speech Translation Auxiliary Task for E2E Code-Switching ASR
G Ma, W Wang, Y Li, Y Yang, B Du… - 2023 IEEE Automatic …, 2023 -
Recently, to mitigate the confusion between different languages in code-switching (CS)
automatic speech recognition (ASR), the conditionally factorized models, such as the …
automatic speech recognition (ASR), the conditionally factorized models, such as the …