Task switching: interplay of reconfiguration and interference control.

A Vandierendonck, B Liefooghe… - Psychological …, 2010 - psycnet.apa.org
The task-switching paradigm is being increasingly used as a tool for studying cognitive
control and task coordination. Different procedural variations have been developed. They …

Stimulus-response compatibility and psychological refractory period effects: Implications for response selection

MC Lien, RW Proctor - Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2002 - Springer
The purpose of this paper was to provide insight into the nature of response selection by
reviewing the literature on stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effects and the …

[图书][B] Stimulus-response compatibility principles: Data, theory, and application

RW Proctor, KPL Vu - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Understanding of the factors that influence stimulus-response (SR) compatibility and
determine when and how compatibility effects will arise is a necessary foundation for …

Dynamics of the central bottleneck: Dual-task and task uncertainty

M Sigman, S Dehaene - PLoS biology, 2006 - journals.plos.org
Why is the human brain fundamentally limited when attempting to execute two tasks at the
same time or in close succession? Two classical paradigms, psychological refractory period …

Task switching: Mechanisms underlying rigid vs. flexible self control

N Meiran - Self control in society, mind, and brain, 2010 - books.google.com
This chapter reviews the historical and current literature on task switching, focusing primarily
on cognitive-behavioral studies on healthy human subjects. It outlines what I see to be …

Practice-related optimization and transfer of executive functions: a general review and a specific realization of their mechanisms in dual tasks

T Strobach, T Salminen, J Karbach, T Schubert - Psychological research, 2014 - Springer
Improvements in performing demanding and complex task situations are typically related to
the optimization of executive functions and efficient behavioral control. The present study …

On the optimality of serial and parallel processing in the psychological refractory period paradigm: Effects of the distribution of stimulus onset asynchronies

J Miller, R Ulrich, B Rolke - Cognitive psychology, 2009 - Elsevier
Within the context of the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm, we developed a
general theoretical framework for deciding when it is more efficient to process two tasks in …

The task rule congruency effect in task switching reflects activated long-term memory.

N Meiran, Y Kessler - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human …, 2008 - psycnet.apa.org
Reaction time task rule congruency effects (RT-TRCEs) reflect faster responses to stimuli for
which the competing task rules indicate the same correct response than to stimuli indicating …

Improved intertask coordination after extensive dual-task practice

R Liepelt, T Strobach, P Frensch… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
This study examines whether an improved intertask coordination skill is acquired during
extensive dual-task training and whether it can be transferred to a new dual-task situation …

The costs of changing the representation of action: response repetition and response-response compatibility in dual tasks.

S Schuch, I Koch - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human …, 2004 - psycnet.apa.org
In 5 experiments, the authors investigated the costs associated with repeating the same or a
similar response in a dual-task setting. Using a psychological refractory period paradigm …