Defining severity of hemophilia: more than factor levels

A Pavlova, J Oldenburg - Seminars in thrombosis and …, 2013 -
Patients with severe hemophilia generally exhibit a severe bleeding phenotype with
bleeding into joints or muscles at an early age. Although the severity and frequency of …

Factor V Leiden and hemophilia

M Franchini, G Lippi - Thrombosis research, 2010 - Elsevier
Several inherited prothrombotic risk factors have been identified so far. Among them, the
factor V (FV) Leiden mutation causes a reduced ability of activated protein C to inactivate …

Correlation between phenotype and genotype in a large unselected cohort of children with severe hemophilia A

MD Carcao, HM van den Berg, R Ljung… - Blood, The Journal …, 2013 -
Phenotypic variability is well recognized in severe hemophilia A. A few studies, mainly in
adults treated lifelong on demand, suggest that bleeding phenotype correlates with factor …

Molecular genetics of hemophilia A: Clinical perspectives

AAG Tantawy - Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 2010 -
Since the publication of the sequence of the factor VIII (F8) gene in 1984, a large number of
mutations that cause hemophilia A have been identified and a significant progress has been …

[HTML][HTML] Hemophilia A and hemophilia B: focus on arthropathy and variables affecting bleeding severity and prophylaxis

M Escobar, S Sallah - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2013 - Elsevier
Hemophilia A (HA) and hemophilia B (HB) are X‐linked, recessive disorders. Although their
clinical manifestations are essentially indistinguishable, it has been suggested that bleeding …

Interpatient phenotypic inconsistency in severe congenital hemophilia: a systematic review of the role of inherited thrombophilia

M Franchini, M Montagnana, G Targher… - … in thrombosis and …, 2009 -
It is well known that the clinical phenotype of hemophilia may vary greatly among patients
with the same apparent level of coagulation factor and the same genetic mutation. Thus …

Factor VIII prophylaxis effects outweigh other hemostasis contributors in predicting severe haemophilia A joint outcomes

BB Warren, L Jacobson, C Kempton… - …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Introduction The Joint Outcome Study (JOS) demonstrated that previously untreated
children with severe haemophilia A treated with prophylactic factor VIII (FVIII) concentrate …

Effect of prothrombotic mutations on factor consumption in children with hemophilia

H Tüten, H Çam, N Özdemir, F Bezgal… - Clinical and Applied …, 2013 -
Introduction: In hemophilia A, factor activity usually correlates with clinical severity; however,
there are patients with severe hemophilia who have bleeding less than expected. Aim: The …

The studies about diseases concerning with contemplated MTHFR 677 C> T polymorphism

M İzmirli, Ö Aldemir, B Gögebakan, D Alptekin - Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2014 -
Methlenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is one of the most important enzymes for folic
acid metabolism. This protein's gene is mapped on chromosome 1, which is located at the …

MTHFR 677 C> T Polimorfizmi ile ilintili olduğu düşünülen hastalıklara dair Türk populasyonundaki çalışmalar

M İzmirli, Ö Aldemir, B Göğebakan, D Alptekin - 2014 -
5, 10-Metilentetrahidrofolat redüktaz (MTHFR) folik asit metabolizması için en önemli
enzimlerden biridir. Bu proteinin geni 1 numaralı kromozomun kısa kolunda (1p36. 3) …