Seeing their side versus feeling their pain: Differential consequences of perspective-taking and empathy at work.
NH Longmire, DA Harrison - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018 -
Perspective taking and empathic concern (empathy) have each been proposed as
constructive approaches to social relationships. However, their potential distinctions …
constructive approaches to social relationships. However, their potential distinctions …
The effect of work-leisure conflict on front-line employees' work engagement: A cross-level study from the emotional perspective
F Wang, W Shi - Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022 - Springer
Based on the conservation of resources theory, this study explores the relationship between
work-leisure conflict and front-line employees' work engagement. From the emotional …
work-leisure conflict and front-line employees' work engagement. From the emotional …
Uncovering the impact of triadic relationships within a team on job performance: an application of balance theory in predicting feedback‐seeking behaviour
Although a great deal of knowledge has accumulated about dyadic relationships (ie, leader–
member exchange (LMX) or team–member exchange (TMX)) within a team, employee …
member exchange (LMX) or team–member exchange (TMX)) within a team, employee …
A world of opportunity: A top-down influence of emotional intelligence-related contextual factors on employee engagement and exhaustion
Despite continuing interest in the impact of employees' emotional intelligence (EI) in
explaining for their engagement and emotional exhaustion, there are still large gaps in our …
explaining for their engagement and emotional exhaustion, there are still large gaps in our …
Looking inside the black box of gender differences in creativity: A dual-process model and meta-analysis.
JJ Kim, MJ Vaulont, Z Zhang… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 -
Although prior work has characterized creativity as a primarily agentic endeavor, we diverge
from this perspective and argue for agentic and communal pathways to creativity that offer …
from this perspective and argue for agentic and communal pathways to creativity that offer …
Systematic Literature Review: Affective Experiences as a Predictor of Counterproductive Work Behaviour
Purpose: This study aims to systematically review the literature on counterproductive work
behaviour (CWB) to understand better the role of affective experiences in predicting such …
behaviour (CWB) to understand better the role of affective experiences in predicting such …
Network structure of affective communication and shared emotion in teams
This paper identifies the relative effectiveness of two mechanisms of emotional contagion on
shared emotion in teams: explicit mechanism (active spreading of one's emotion) and …
shared emotion in teams: explicit mechanism (active spreading of one's emotion) and …
Does CEO guilt influence the adoption of employee welfare practices?
This study examines the role of CEOs' guilt in adopting employee welfare practices (EWP).
Using the context of privatization that is associated with large‐scale layoffs, we argue that …
Using the context of privatization that is associated with large‐scale layoffs, we argue that …
Burning bright or burning out: a qualitative investigation of leader vitality
J Shapiro - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 -
Introduction Leaders of organizations have incessant demands placed on them, including
cultivating teams, building culture, and increasing the bottom line, in addition to caring for …
cultivating teams, building culture, and increasing the bottom line, in addition to caring for …
The effects of leaders' economic and stakeholder values on subordinates' discretionary behaviors as antecedents of perceived ethical leadership: a multilevel …
M Yu, Y Dai, M Xu, GG Wang, L Wang - Current Psychology, 2024 - Springer
Drawing on social information processing theory, the present study tested the multilevel
indirect effect of leaders' economic and stakeholder values on subordinate organizational …
indirect effect of leaders' economic and stakeholder values on subordinate organizational …