Quasars and the intergalactic medium at cosmic dawn

X Fan, E Bañados, RA Simcoe - Annual Review of Astronomy …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Quasars at cosmic dawn provide powerful probes of the formation and growth of the earliest
supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the Universe, their connections to galaxy and …

Hydrogen reionization ends by z = 5.3: Lyman-α optical depth measured by the XQR-30 sample

SEI Bosman, FB Davies, GD Becker… - Monthly Notices of …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
The presence of excess scatter in the Ly-α forest at z∼ 5.5, together with the existence of
sporadic extended opaque Gunn-Peterson troughs, has started to provide robust evidence …

The X–shooter/ALMA Sample of Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization. II. Black Hole Masses, Eddington Ratios, and the Formation of the First Quasars

EP Farina, JT Schindler, F Walter… - The Astrophysical …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
We present measurements of black hole masses and Eddington ratios (λ Edd) for a sample
of 38 bright (M 1450<− 24.4 mag) quasars at 5.8≲ z≲ 7.5, derived from Very Large …

Little Red Dots: An Abundant Population of Faint Active Galactic Nuclei at z∼ 5 Revealed by the EIGER and FRESCO JWST Surveys

J Matthee, RP Naidu, G Brammer… - The Astrophysical …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Characterizing the prevalence and properties of faint active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the
early Universe is key for understanding the formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) …

The mean free path of ionizing photons at 5 < z < 6: evidence for rapid evolution near reionization

GD Becker, A D'Aloisio, HM Christenson… - Monthly Notices of …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
The mean free path of ionizing photons, λmfp, is a key factor in the photoionization of the
intergalactic medium (IGM). At z≳ 5, however, λmfp may be short enough that …

A Significantly Neutral Intergalactic Medium Around the Luminous z= 7 Quasar J0252–0503

F Wang, FB Davies, J Yang, JF Hennawi… - The Astrophysical …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Luminous z≥ 7 quasars provide direct probes of the evolution of supermassive black holes
(SMBHs) and the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of reionization (EoR). The …

Probing Ultralate Reionization: Direct Measurements of the Mean Free Path over 5< z< 6

Y Zhu, GD Becker, HM Christenson… - The Astrophysical …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The mean free path of ionizing photons, λ mfp, is a critical parameter for modeling the
intergalactic medium (IGM) both during and after reionization. We present direct …

Very high redshift quasars and the rapid emergence of supermassive black holes

P Kroupa, L Subr, T Jerabkova… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
The observation of quasars at very high redshift such as Pōniuā'ena is a challenge for
models of supermassive black hole (SMBH) formation. This work presents a study of SMBH …

The X-SHOOTER/ALMA sample of quasars in the epoch of reionization. I. NIR spectral modeling, iron enrichment, and broad emission line properties

JT Schindler, EP Farina, E Bañados… - The Astrophysical …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We present X-SHOOTER near-IR spectroscopy of a large sample of 38 luminous (M 1450=−
29.0 to− 24.4) quasars at 5.78< z< 7.54, which have complementary [C ii] 158μm …

The Pan-STARRS1 z> 5.6 Quasar Survey. II. Discovery of 55 Quasars at 5.6< z< 6.5

E Banados, JT Schindler, BP Venemans… - The Astrophysical …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The identification of bright quasars at z≳ 6 enables detailed studies of supermassive black
holes, massive galaxies, structure formation, and the state of the intergalactic medium within …