[图书][B] Die Wirksamkeit deutscher Entwicklungszusammenarbeit bei Konfliktbedingten Fluchtkrisen: Die Beschäftigungsoffensive Nahost

H Roxin, A Kocks, R Wedel, N Herforth, T Wencker - 2021 - ssoar.info
Die Beschäftigungsoffensive Nahost wurde 2016 ins Leben gerufen, um einen Beitrag zur
Perspektivbildung von Flüchtlingen in den Anrainerstaaten Syriens zu leisten. Dabei zielt sie …

The Impact of Protracted Displacement on Syrian Refugees in Jordan: The Evolution of Household Composition and Poverty Rates

J Santamaria, L Hanmer, E Rubiano - 2022 - openknowledge.worldbank.org
This paper examines the influence of gender inequality on poverty among Syrian refugees
in Jordan between 2013 and 2018. Two waves of Home-Visit surveys, collected by the …

[PDF][PDF] Unemployment in Jordan: Causes and Possible Solutions

B Alshraiedeh - 2024 - theses.cz
This diploma thesis examines the unemployment situation in Jordan, delving into its root
causes, demographic disparities, and the impact of both public and private sectors on …

[图书][B] Voluntary Savings Schemes to Protect Informal Workers in Jordan

F Rother, C Chartouni, J Sanchez-Reaza… - 2022 - documents1.worldbank.org
This paper proposes a framework of voluntary savings schemes (VSS) in Jordan that can
complement the current formal sector arrangements to better protect informal workers …


DB Nahost - deval.org
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diese Evaluierung untersucht die Wirksamkeit der deutschen
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) bei der Bearbeitung konfliktbedingter Fluchtkrisen am …

[PDF][PDF] Possibilities and Challenges: Social Protection and COVID-19 Crisis in Jordan

A Alijla - researchgate.net
The social protection systems in Jordan face significant challenges, which undermine the
country's ability to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. In fact, this crisis has highlighted the need …