[PDF][PDF] 机器学习在网络空间安全研究中的应用

张蕾, 崔勇, 刘静, 江勇, 吴建平 - 计算机学报, 2018 - cjc.ict.ac.cn
摘要随着云计算, 物联网, 大数据等新兴技术的迅猛发展, 数以亿计的网络接入点,
联网设备以及网络应用产生的海量数据, 给网络空间安全带来了巨大的困难和挑战 …

Sales forecasting by combining clustering and machine-learning techniques for computer retailing

IF Chen, CJ Lu - Neural Computing and Applications, 2017 - Springer
Sales forecasting is a critical task for computer retailers endeavoring to maintain favorable
sales performance and manage inventories. In this study, a clustering-based forecasting …

Topological pattern discovery and feature extraction for fraudulent financial reporting

SY Huang, RH Tsaih, F Yu - Expert systems with applications, 2014 - Elsevier
Fraudulent financial reporting (FFR) involves conscious efforts to mislead others regarding
the financial condition of a business. It usually consists of deliberate actions to deceive …

A novel data-driven visualization of n-dimensional feasible region using interpretable self-organizing maps (iSOM)

D Nagar, K Pannerselvam, P Ramu - Neural Networks, 2022 - Elsevier
Graphical optimization allows solving one or two dimensional optimization problems visually
by merely plotting the objective function and constraint function contours. In addition to the …

The growing hierarchical neural gas self-organizing neural network

EJ Palomo, E López-Rubio - IEEE transactions on neural …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The growing neural gas (GNG) self-organizing neural network stands as one of the most
successful examples of unsupervised learning of a graph of processing units. Despite its …

Towards a conceptual model for promoting digital forensics experiments

E OliveiraJr, AF Zorzo, CV Neu - Forensic Science International: Digital …, 2020 - Elsevier
Experimentation is one of the foundations for scientific evolution from the empirical point of
view. Conducting experiments contributes to strengthen evidence of a given field mainly …

Network traffic anomaly detection based on growing hierarchical SOM

SY Huang, YN Huang - 2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Network anomaly detection aims to detect patterns in a given network traffic data that do not
conform to an established normal behavior. Distinguishing different anomaly patterns from …

Comparison of visualization of optimal clustering using self-organizing map and growing hierarchical self-organizing map in cellular manufacturing system

M Chattopadhyay, PK Dan, S Mazumdar - Applied Soft Computing, 2014 - Elsevier
The present research deals with the cell formation problem (CFP) of cellular manufacturing
system which is a NP-hard problem thus, the development of optimum machine-part cell …

Novel iterative approach using generative and discriminative models for classification with missing features

MA Kiasari, GJ Jang, M Lee - Neurocomputing, 2017 - Elsevier
Missing feature is a common problem in real-world data classification. Therefore, a robust
classification method is required when classifying data with missing features. In this study …

XPySom: high-performance self-organizing maps

R Mancini, A Ritacco, G Lanciano… - 2020 IEEE 32nd …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we introduce XPySom, a new open-source Python implementation of the well-
known Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) technique. It is designed to achieve high performance …