Effect of ion-induced secondary radiations on the formation of extended defects and radiolysis beyond the range of swift 12C, 50Ti, and 52Cr ions in LiF

T Krasta, I Manika, A Kuzmin, J Maniks, R Grants… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The objective of this research is to study the role of ion-induced secondary radiations on
structural damage in LiF crystals irradiated with∼ 10 MeV/u energy 12 C, 50 Ti, and 52 Cr …

Effect of ion-induced nuclear reactions on structure modification and radiolysis in LiF irradiated by 410 MeV 36S ions

I Manika, T Krasta, J Maniks, L Bikse, J Susinska… - Optical Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
The objective of this research is to study the structural damage in LiF crystals irradiated with
410 MeV 36 S ions. We report on the appearance of a remarkable structural damage far …

Spatially resolved magnetic resonance studies of swift heavy ion induced defects and radiolysis products in LiF crystals

M Ditter, M Becher, S Orth, K Schwartz… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Spatially resolved NMR (19 F and 7 Li) spin–lattice relaxation rates were measured on LiF
single crystals irradiated with swift heavy ions of about 10 MeV per nucleon corresponding …

Formation of dislocations in LiF irradiated with 3He and 4He ions

I Manika, R Zabels, J Maniks, K Schwartz… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2018 - Elsevier
Influence of the irradiation with 13.5 MeV 3 He and 5 MeV 4 He ions on the micro-structure
and mechanical properties of LiF single crystals was studied. The depth profiles of …

Formation of dislocations and hardening of LiF under high-dose irradiation with 5–21 MeV 12C ions

R Zabels, I Manika, K Schwartz, J Maniks… - Applied Physics A, 2017 - Springer
The emergence of dislocations and hardening of LiF crystals irradiated to high doses with 12
C ions have been investigated using chemical etching, AFM, nanoindentation, and thermal …

Depth profiles of indentation hardness and dislocation mobility in MgO single crystals irradiated with swift 84Kr and 14N ions

R Zabels, I Manika, K Schwartz, J Maniks, R Grants… - Applied Physics A, 2015 - Springer
The depth dependence of damage and modification of micromechanical properties in MgO
single crystals irradiated with 150 MeV 84 Kr and 24.5 MeV 14 N ions (specific energy 1.75 …

[PDF][PDF] Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B

M Ditter, M Becher, S Orth, K Schwartz, C Trautmann… - academia.edu
Spatially resolved NMR (19F and 7Li) spin–lattice relaxation rates were measured on LiF
single crystals irradiated with swift heavy ions of about 10 MeV per nucleon corresponding …

[PDF][PDF] Центры окраски и нанодефекты в кристаллах LiF, облученных быстрыми ионами

АВ РУСАКОВА - kaznu.kz
Щелочногалоидные кристаллы (ЩГК) на протяжении многих лет являются актуальными
объектами, как для фундаментальных исследований, так и для различных применений …

[PDF][PDF] Roberts Zabels

Irradiation with ions is being widely used in modification of materials, especially their surface
layer in relation to improvements of optical, electronic, mechanical and other properties. In …

Ātro jonu izraisītie struktūras un mikromehānisko īpašību modifikācijas procesi platzonas jonu kristālos

R Zabels - 2015 - dspace.lu.lv
Parādīts, ka ātro jonu izraisītajās struktūras un mikromehānisko īpašību izmaiņās LiF
kristālos nozīmīgu ieguldījumu dod prizmatisko dislokāciju cilpu veidošanās. Atrasts, ka …