Virtually the same? Analysing pedestrian behaviour by means of virtual reality

S Schneider, K Bengler - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology …, 2020 - Elsevier
Thanks to technological advancements, virtual reality has become increasingly flexible and
affordable, resulting in a growing number of user studies conducted in virtual environments …

Immersive technology-enabled digital transformation in transportation fields: A literature overview

F Li, AJC Trappey, CH Lee, L Li - Expert systems with applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Immersive technology is rapidly emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing the digital
transformation in transportation to deal with the complexity, high cost, and uncertainty in the …

The effect of age and sensation seeking on pedestrian crossing safety in a virtual reality street

H Wang, A Wang, F Su, DC Schwebel - Transportation research part F …, 2022 - Elsevier
A wide range of individual, interpersonal and environmental factors influence the safety of
pedestrians crossing the street, including human development (children take more risks than …

Understanding group behavior in virtual reality: A large-scale, longitudinal study in the metaverse

E Han, MR Miller, N Ram, KL Nowak… - 72nd Annual …, 2022 -
Networked virtual reality (VR) allows people to interact via avatars. The metaverse, or the
promise of experiences in immersive digital worlds, is technologically possible but a …

A comparison of head-mounted displays vs. large-screen displays for an interactive pedestrian simulator

S Mallaro, P Rahimian, EE O'Neal, JM Plumert… - Proceedings of the 23rd …, 2017 -
This investigation compared how people performed a complex perception-action task-
crossing traffic-filled roadways-in a CAVE vs. an HMD virtual environment. Participants …

I feel a moving crowd surrounds me: Exploring tactile feedback during immersive walking in a virtual crowd

A Koilias, C Mousas… - … Animation and Virtual …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The aim of our study was to investigate whether different tactile feedback conditions could
affect the behavior of participants who were instructed to walk within a virtual reality …

Analysis of street-crossing behavior: comparing a CAVE simulator and a head-mounted display among younger and older adults

P Pala, V Cavallo, NT Dang, MA Granié… - Accident Analysis & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Interactive pedestrian simulators have become a valuable research tool for investigating
street-crossing behavior and developing solutions for improving pedestrian safety. There are …

Immersive walking in a virtual crowd: The effects of the density, speed, and direction of a virtual crowd on human movement behavior

A Koilias, MG Nelson… - … and Virtual Worlds, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We investigated the movement behavior of participants walking within a virtual crowd in an
immersive virtual environment. We investigated three different parameters that characterize …

Is the street-crossing behavior with a head-mounted display different from that behavior in a CAVE? A study among young adults and children

P Pala, V Cavallo, NT Dang, MA Granié… - … research part F: traffic …, 2021 - Elsevier
The use of virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular in the field of traffic
psychology, where realistic traffic situations can be simulated and pedestrians 'actual …

Joint action in a virtual environment: Crossing roads with risky vs. safe human and agent partners

Y Jiang, EE O'Neal, P Rahimian, JP Yon… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 -
This paper examines how people jointly coordinate their decisions and actions with risky vs.
safe human and agent road-crossing partners (Fig. 1). The task for participants was to …