Health, health insurance and the labor market

J Currie, BC Madrian - Handbook of labor economics, 1999 - Elsevier
This chapter provides an overview of the literature linking health, health insurance and labor
market outcomes such as wages, earnings, employment, hours, occupational choice, job …

[图书][B] Handbook of labor economics

O Ashenfelter, D Card - 2010 -
What new tools and models are enriching labor economics?" Developments in Research
Methods and their Application"(volume 4A) summarizes recent advances in the ways …

[图书][B] Labour market theory: a constructive reassessment

B Fine - 2002 -
This book is a commanding assessment of labour market theory across the social sciences.
It provides a radically original critique of labour market theory, which draws constructively …

A black critique of the Internal Revenue Code

BI Moran, W Whitford - Wis. L. REv., 1996 - HeinOnline
This article raises the question of whether the Internal Revenue Code systematically favors
whites over blacks. In recent years a small number of scholars in the legal academy have …

The effect of health insurance on married female labor supply

TC Buchmueller, RG Valletta - Journal of Human Resources, 1999 - JSTOR
We investigate the effects of employer-provided health insurance on the labor supply of
married women. Because health benefits commonly are restricted to full-time workers, wives …

Salary or benefits?

P Oyer - Work, earnings and other aspects of the employment …, 2008 -
Employer-provided benefits are a large and growing share of compensation costs. In this
paper, I consider three factors that can affect the value created by employer-sponsored …

Employee demand for health insurance and employer health plan choices

MK Bundorf - Journal of Health Economics, 2002 - Elsevier
Although most private health insurance in US is employment-based, little is known about
how employers choose health plans for their employees. In this paper, I examine the …

Do health insurance and pension costs reduce the job opportunities of older workers?

FA Scott, MC Berger, JE Garen - ILR Review, 1995 -
Using a 1991 nationwide survey of employers and 1979, 1983, 1988, and 1993 data from
the Employee Benefits Supplement of the Current Population Survey, the authors examine …

Medicaid and crowding out of private insurance: a re-examination using firm level data

L Shore-Sheppard, TC Buchmueller… - Journal of Health …, 2000 - Elsevier
While previous research has identified a relationship between expanded Medicaid eligibility
and falling private health insurance coverage, the exact mechanism by which this “crowding …

Health insurance availability at the workplace: how important are worker preferences?

AC Monheit, JP Vistnes - Journal of Human Resources, 1999 - JSTOR
Analysts have frequently interpreted the uneven distribution of health insurance across firms
of varying size as evidence of insurance market failure in the small group market. We …