Multimodality in language education: Implications for teaching
P Magnusson, AL Godhe - Designs for learning, 2019 -
The aim of this article is to discuss how a multimodal approach to meaning-making can
contribute to language education and how multimodal meaning-making is supported in the …
contribute to language education and how multimodal meaning-making is supported in the …
Powerful knowledge, transformations and the need for empirical studies across school subjects
In this article, we explore the concept of'powerful knowledge'which, from a curriculum
studies perspective, refers to the aspects of content knowledge towards which teaching …
studies perspective, refers to the aspects of content knowledge towards which teaching …
[PDF][PDF] Gymnasieskolans svenskämnen: en studie av svenskundervisningen i fyra gymnasieklasser
L Bergman - 2007 -
Den gemensamma referensramen den hittar eleverna idag i massmediekulturer av olika
slag, dom hittar den på nätet, dom hittar den på chattsidorna. Dom hittar den i reklamen …
slag, dom hittar den på nätet, dom hittar den på chattsidorna. Dom hittar den i reklamen …
" Äger du en skruvmejsel?” Litteraturstudiets roll i läromedel för gymnasiets yrkesinriktade program under Lpf 94 och Gy 2011
K Lilja Waltå - 2016 -
Ph. D. Dissertation at University of Gothenburg Title:“Are you the owner of a screwdriver?”
Literature Study in Textbooks Produced for Swedish Vocational Training Programs under …
Literature Study in Textbooks Produced for Swedish Vocational Training Programs under …
Med andra ord: Samspel och villkor för litteracitet bland nyanlända barn
S Duek - 2017 -
This doctoral thesis centres on six children, aged four to nine, who relatively recently
immigrated to Sweden. The children's encounters with literacy are in focus. These children …
immigrated to Sweden. The children's encounters with literacy are in focus. These children …
Läsa, förstå, analysera: En komparativ studie om svenska och franska gymnasieelevers reception av en narrativ text
M Johansson - 2015 -
Innan spelet kan börja vill jag rikta några tacksamhetens ord till dem som bidragit till att
arbetet med denna avhandling har kunnat avancera förhållandevis smidigt. Först och främst …
arbetet med denna avhandling har kunnat avancera förhållandevis smidigt. Först och främst …
[PDF][PDF] Den mätbara litteraturläsaren-En tendens i Lgr11 och en konsekvens för svensklärarutbildningen
S Lundström, L Manderstedt, A Palo - Utbildning & Demokrati …, 2011 -
The measurable fiction reader. A tendency in Lgr11 and a consequence for teacher
education. Based on the new syllabus for Swedish in the primary school, this article …
education. Based on the new syllabus for Swedish in the primary school, this article …
Läsning som identitetsskapande handling.: Gemenskapande och utbrytningsförsök i fordonspojkars litteratursamtal.
SB Asplund - 2010 -
In this dissertation literature discussions which include students of Vehicle Engineering at a
Swedish upper secondary school will be discussed. The students are all boys. The study is …
Swedish upper secondary school will be discussed. The students are all boys. The study is …
Meningsdannelse og diversitet: En didaktisk undersøkelse av elevers lesninger av norskfagets litterære tekster
D Skarstein - 2013 -
In my dissertation, I examine upper secondary students' discourses regarding fictional texts
presented to them in the Norwegian classroom. The research topics are: By which cultural …
presented to them in the Norwegian classroom. The research topics are: By which cultural …
Skriftpraktiker i gymnasieskolan: bygg-och omvårdnadselever skriver
M Westman - 2009 -
Abstract Westman, Maria. 2009. Skriftpraktiker i gymnasieskolan. Bygg-och
omvårdnadselever skriver.(Literacy Practices in Upper Secondary School. The Writing of …
omvårdnadselever skriver.(Literacy Practices in Upper Secondary School. The Writing of …