Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Pada Materi Virus Pandemi Covid-19 Di SMAN 3 Luwuk
Metode Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2022, bertempat di SMAN
3 Luwuk Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan …
3 Luwuk Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan …
Development of integrated worksheet for contextual teaching and learning to improve student science literacy on additive material
IJ Fitriyah, SD Pratiwi - JIPVA (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Veteran), 2023 -
Students must have skills such as scientific literacy as part of the pattern of education in the
21st century. However, this is inversely proportional to the relatively low ability of students' …
21st century. However, this is inversely proportional to the relatively low ability of students' …
Student's perception of online learning methods in covid-19 pandemic
DE Kurniawan, M Makin - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 -
The implementation of social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant
impact on the world of education in Indonesia. One of the impacts that arise is the …
impact on the world of education in Indonesia. One of the impacts that arise is the …
The development of Articulate Storyline-based learning media to optimize the 4C aspects of heat material
IJ Fitriyah, CA Permatasari, R Suprihatin - AIP Conference …, 2023 -
In this industrial revolution 4.0 towards 5.0, young people who think critically and creatively
are needed. One of the efforts that is emphasized in the science learning is through the 4C …
are needed. One of the efforts that is emphasized in the science learning is through the 4C …