Systemic reactions to dust mite subcutaneous immunotherapy: a 3-year follow-up study

X Dong, N Huang, W Li, L Hu, X Wang… - Allergy, Asthma & …, 2016 -
Purpose The incidence of allergen specific immunotherapy-related systemic reactions (SRs)
varies among different studies, and many factors are likely to contribute to SRs. This study …

The safety profile of subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy in children with asthma in Hangzhou, East China

JL Liu, WX Ning, SX Li, YC Xu, L Wu, YS Wang… - Allergologia et …, 2017 - Elsevier
Background The aim of the current study is to evaluate the prevalence, severity and possible
risk factors of systemic reactions (SRs) to subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy (SCIT) in …

A prospective multicenter study of systemic reactions in standardized specific immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis in China

J Chen, B Li, Y Zhao, Q Zhang, L Wan… - American Journal of …, 2014 -
Background Standardized allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) has been used in China
for years. However, there is no extensive study of the safety of standardized SIT in Chinese …

Evaluation of paediatric tolerance to an extract of Alternaria alternata under two treatment regimes. A multicentre study

A Martínez-Cañavate, JL Eseverri, R Ródenas… - Allergologia et …, 2005 - Elsevier
In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an extract of Alternaria alternata in a paediatric
population, a two phase study plan has been elaborated that in the first place consists of a …

Tolerance and short-term effect of a cluster schedule with pollen-extracts quantified in mass-units

P Guardia, C Moreno, JL Justicia, J Conde… - Allergologia et …, 2004 - Elsevier
We performed a prospective, multicenter study to assess the tolerance and possible short-
term effects of allergen vaccines administered according to a cluster schedule in the months …

[PDF][PDF] Safety of subcutaneous immunotherapy with tyrosine-adsorbed house dust mite extracts in patients with allergic disease

MM Molina-Sáenz, AM Villa-Arango… - Rev Alerg …, 2017 -
Background: In spite of allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) multiple benefits, its use is
restricted in some countries owing to concerns about severe adverse reactions. Objective …

A Phase I clinical trial with subcutaneous immunotherapy vaccine of Timothy grass pollen extract according to EMA guidelines

J Sola, V Sánchez, A Landeta, B Madariaga… - …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Aim: A double-blind placebo-controlled study was conducted according to EMA guidelines,
to evaluate safety, tolerability and short-term treatment effects of three up-dosing regimens of …

Seguridad de la inmunoterapia subcutánea con extractos tirosinados de ácaros de polvo doméstico en pacientes con enfermedad alérgica

MM Molina-Sáenz, AM Villa-Arango… - Revista alergia …, 2017 -
Antecedentes: Pese a los múltiples beneficios de la inmunoterapia alérgeno-específica, en
algunos países se restringe su uso por temor a las reacciones adversas severas. Objetivo …

Ocena bezpieczeństwa skrócenia fazy wstępnej immunoterpii alergenowej preparatem Phostal u dzieci uczulonych na roztocze kurzu domowego, chorych na astmę …

P Majak, P Stelmach, A Brzozowska… - Alergia Astma …, 2006 -
Wprowadzenie. Skrócenie fazy wstępnej immunoterapii umożliwia zmniejszenie liczby wizyt
oraz sprzyja większej akceptacji immunoterapii przez pacjentów i ich opiekunów. Cel pracy …

Ocena bezpieczeństwa skróconego schematu wstępnej fazy immunoterapii mieszanką alergenów traw i żyta u dorosłych z alergią pyłkową.

A Kucharczyk, K Jahnz-RóŻyk… - Alergia Astma …, 2007 -
Wprowadzenie. Swoista immunoterapia jest skutecznym leczeniem IgE-zależnych chorób
alergicznych, ale niepewność dotycząca bezpieczeństwa i brak akceptacji tej terapii przez …