A review of ensemble learning algorithms used in remote sensing applications
Y Zhang, J Liu, W Shen - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Machine learning algorithms are increasingly used in various remote sensing applications
due to their ability to identify nonlinear correlations. Ensemble algorithms have been …
due to their ability to identify nonlinear correlations. Ensemble algorithms have been …
Fault prediction based on leakage current in contaminated insulators using enhanced time series forecasting models
To improve the monitoring of the electrical power grid, it is necessary to evaluate the
influence of contamination in relation to leakage current and its progression to a disruptive …
influence of contamination in relation to leakage current and its progression to a disruptive …
Machine learning-assisted approaches in modernized plant breeding programs
In the face of a growing global population, plant breeding is being used as a sustainable tool
for increasing food security. A wide range of high-throughput omics technologies have been …
for increasing food security. A wide range of high-throughput omics technologies have been …
A review of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) based techniques for estimating reference evapotranspiration: Current trends and future perspectives
Reference Evapotranspiration (ET o) is a complex, dynamic and non-linear hydrological
process. Accurate estimation of ET o has long been an eminent topic of interest in the …
process. Accurate estimation of ET o has long been an eminent topic of interest in the …
Multi-step daily forecasting of reference evapotranspiration for different climates of India: A modern multivariate complementary technique reinforced with ridge …
Accurate ahead forecasting of reference evapotranspiration (ET o) is crucial for effective
irrigation scheduling and management of water resources on a regional scale. A variety of …
irrigation scheduling and management of water resources on a regional scale. A variety of …
A survey towards decision support system on smart irrigation scheduling using machine learning approaches
From last decade, Big data analytics and machine learning is a hotspot research area in the
domain of agriculture. Agriculture analytics is a data intensive multidisciplinary problem. Big …
domain of agriculture. Agriculture analytics is a data intensive multidisciplinary problem. Big …
Daily prediction and multi-step forward forecasting of reference evapotranspiration using LSTM and Bi-LSTM models
DK Roy, TK Sarkar, SSA Kamar, T Goswami… - Agronomy, 2022 - mdpi.com
Precise forecasting of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is one of the critical initial steps in
determining crop water requirements, which contributes to the reliable management and …
determining crop water requirements, which contributes to the reliable management and …
Stacking Deep learning and Machine learning models for short-term energy consumption forecasting
S Reddy, S Akashdeep, R Harshvardhan… - Advanced Engineering …, 2022 - Elsevier
Accurate prediction of electricity consumption is essential for providing actionable insights to
decision-makers for managing volume and potential trends in future energy consumption for …
decision-makers for managing volume and potential trends in future energy consumption for …
A deep neural network architecture to model reference evapotranspiration using a single input meteorological parameter
SM Ravindran, SKM Bhaskaran, SKN Ambat - Environmental processes, 2021 - Springer
Hydro-agrological research considers the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), driven by
meteorological variables, crucial for achieving precise irrigation in precision agriculture. ETo …
meteorological variables, crucial for achieving precise irrigation in precision agriculture. ETo …
Bayesian model averaging to improve the yield prediction in wheat breeding trials
S Fei, Z Chen, L Li, Y Ma, Y Xiao - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023 - Elsevier
Accurate pre-harvest prediction of wheat yield through secondary traits helps to facilitate
plant breeding and reduce costs. Machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly applied …
plant breeding and reduce costs. Machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly applied …