[PDF][PDF] Correlation between permanent teeth eruption and nutrition status of 6-7-years-old children

D Lailasari, Y Zenab, E Herawati… - … Journal of Dentistry, 2018 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Introduction: Tooth eruption is influenced by various factors, one of them is nutritional factors.
This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the number of permanent teeth …

Changes in the dentition of small dogs up to 4 months of age

G Lorászkó, B Rácz, L Ózsvári - Animals, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary National and EU legislation impose age restrictions for the rabies
vaccination which is required in the export of dogs. This makes it important to know whether …

Dental age is an independent marker of biological age

S Boeker, M Hermanussen… - Human …, 2021 - human-biology-and-public-health …
Background: Biological age markers are a crucial indicator whether children are decelerated
in growth tempo. Skeletal maturation is the standard measure. Yet, it relies on exposing …

Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Erupsi Gigi Molar Pertama Permanen Siswa Kelas 1 SDN di Kecamatan Wilayah Kota Administrasi Jember (The Influence of …

F Zakiyah, D Prijatmoko, M Novita - 2017 - repository.unej.ac.id
Latar Belakang: Erupsi gigi merupakan proses tumbuh kembang gigi berupa pergerakan
gigi ke arah rongga mulut secara terus menerus. Erupsi gigi dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah …

Relationship of Nutritional Status with Permanent Tooth Eruption in Primary School-Age Children (6-12 Years) Literature Study Review

S Alfah, AL Indryani, N Ekawati - DHeJA: Dental Health …, 2023 - journal.poltekkesaceh.ac.id
Nutritional status is a requirement to determine whether a person is in a healthy state which
is influenced by several factors, namely diet and adequacy of nutrients to carry out a normal …

[PDF][PDF] Correlation between stunting children aged 6-7 years in term of nutritional status and the eruption of permanent first molar

ND Fadilla, R Wardani, FM Putri - Padjadjaran J Dent, 2022 - academia.edu
Introduction: Stunting is one of the nutritional problems that occur in Indonesia. Stunting is a
condition where height is not following age. Physical growth is often used as an indicator to …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of mother's knowledge regarding importance of eruption of first permanent molar and child oral hygiene practices: A correlation study

PM Lakhani, R Arora, DP Bhayya, S Dogra… - Journal of Applied …, 2016 - joadms.org
Objectives: The first permanent molar is unquestionably the most important unit of
mastication and is essential in the development of functionally desirable occlusion. The loss …

[PDF][PDF] Az állatkínzás bűncselekmény igazságügyi vonatkozásai

G Lorászkó - 2023 - huveta.hu
A Büntető Törvénykönyvbe önálló tényállásként 2004-ben került be az állatkínzás. A
bántalmazással vagy bánásmóddal történő elkövetési módok közül inkább az utóbbi vet fel …

Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Erupsi Gigi Molar Pertama Permanen Rahang Bawah pada Anak Usia 6-7 Tahun di SD Negeri 12 Manado

ACH Sitinjak, PN Gunawan, PS Anindita - e-GiGi, 2019 - ejournal.unsrat.ac.id
Status gizi merupakan keadaan tubuh akibat konsumsi makanan dan penggunaan zat gizi.
Jika asupan zat gizi tidak terpenuhi maka pola pertumbuhan anak, baik secara umum …

Eruption chronology of 1st permanent tooth and evaluation of several factors among the children of Kolkata− An original research

TD Sarma, GK Kundu, T Thakur… - Journal of Oral Research …, 2022 - journals.lww.com
Objective: Eruption is an orderly, sequential, age-specific event and an important milestone
during child's development. Along with the study of prenatal and postnatal growth, diagnosis …