A survey of visual analytics techniques for machine learning

J Yuan, C Chen, W Yang, M Liu, J Xia, S Liu - Computational Visual Media, 2021 - Springer
Visual analytics for machine learning has recently evolved as one of the most exciting areas
in the field of visualization. To better identify which research topics are promising and to …

Recent research advances on interactive machine learning

L Jiang, S Liu, C Chen - Journal of Visualization, 2019 - Springer
Interactive machine learning (IML) is an iterative learning process that tightly couples a
human with a machine learner, which is widely used by researchers and practitioners to …

Survey on the analysis of user interactions and visualization provenance

K Xu, A Ottley, C Walchshofer, M Streit… - Computer Graphics …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
There is fast‐growing literature on provenance‐related research, covering aspects such as
its theoretical framework, use cases, and techniques for capturing, visualizing, and …

Warning, bias may occur: A proposed approach to detecting cognitive bias in interactive visual analytics

E Wall, LM Blaha, L Franklin… - 2017 ieee conference on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Visual analytic tools combine the complementary strengths of humans and machines in
human-in-the-loop systems. Humans provide invaluable domain expertise and …

A critical reflection on visualization research: Where do decision making tasks hide?

E Dimara, J Stasko - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It has been widely suggested that a key goal of visualization systems is to assist decision
making, but is this true? We conduct a critical investigation on whether the activity of …

VIAL: a unified process for visual interactive labeling

J Bernard, M Zeppelzauer, M Sedlmair, W Aigner - The Visual Computer, 2018 - Springer
The assignment of labels to data instances is a fundamental prerequisite for many machine
learning tasks. Moreover, labeling is a frequently applied process in visual interactive …

From information to choice: A critical inquiry into visualization tools for decision making

E Oral, R Chawla, M Wijkstra… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the face of complex decisions, people often engage in a three-stage process that spans
from (1) exploring and analyzing pertinent information (intelligence);(2) generating and …

Interactive learning for identifying relevant tweets to support real-time situational awareness

LS Snyder, YS Lin, M Karimzadeh… - IEEE transactions on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Various domain users are increasingly leveraging real-time social media data to gain rapid
situational awareness. However, due to the high noise in the deluge of data, effectively …

An interactive method to improve crowdsourced annotations

S Liu, C Chen, Y Lu, F Ouyang… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In order to effectively infer correct labels from noisy crowdsourced annotations, learning-from-
crowds models have introduced expert validation. However, little research has been done …

[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of tools for exploratory analysis of tabular industrial datasets

A Ghosh, M Nashaat, J Miller, S Quader, C Marston - Visual Informatics, 2018 - Elsevier
Exploratory data analysis plays a major role in obtaining insights from data. Over the last two
decades, researchers have proposed several visual data exploration tools that can assist …