[PDF][PDF] Torrential floods in Serbia–man made and natural hazards
R Ristić, S Kostadinov, B Radić… - 12th congress …, 2012 - archive.interpraevent.at
Torrential floods are the most frequent phenomenon in the arsenal of “natural hazards” in
Serbia, being the first when it comes to losses, causing huge damage and the loss of human …
Serbia, being the first when it comes to losses, causing huge damage and the loss of human …
Land use change for flood protection: A prospective study for the restoration of the river Jelašnica watershed
R Ristić, B Radić, N Vasiljević, Z Nikić - Glasnik Sumarskog fakulteta, 2011 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Serbia's hilly-mountainous regions are extremely vulnerable to flooding as a consequence
of their natural characteristics and human impacts. Land mismanagement influences the …
of their natural characteristics and human impacts. Land mismanagement influences the …
Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects
R Ristić, B Radić, Z Nikić, G Trivan, N Vasiljević… - Spatium, 2011 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of “natural
risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental …
risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental …
[PDF][PDF] Environmental impacts in Serbian ski resorts
R Ristić, A Marković, B Radić, Z Nikić… - Carpathian Journal of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
Construction or improvement of Serbian ski resorts produced numerous negative effects to
surrounding environment, endangering even the functionality of the built objects …
surrounding environment, endangering even the functionality of the built objects …
Процена потенцијалне ерозије земљишта применом USLE и PESERA модела на подручју слива акумулације Првонек
ВC Перовић - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Губитак земљишта изазван процесом ерозије је озбиљан проблем у Републици
Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају …
Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају …
Prevention of soil erosion and torrential floods
Climatic conditions, precise relief features, variations of soil, flora cover, socio-economic
conditions together lead to torrential flood waves as a result of current soil erosion …
conditions together lead to torrential flood waves as a result of current soil erosion …
Improving the environment using the concept of integrated erosion control: Case study of Kalimanska river watershed
R Ristić, S Polovina, I Malušević, M Ristić… - Zaštita …, 2016 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Torrential floods are the most frequent phenomenon in the arsenal of natural hazards in
Serbia, being the first when it comes to losses, causing huge damage and the loss of human …
Serbia, being the first when it comes to losses, causing huge damage and the loss of human …
Erosion protection as a precondition of ski resorts development on the Old mountain
R Ristić, B Radić, V Milčanović, I Malušević… - Pirotski …, 2015 - bic-pk.ceon.rs
The environmental impacts in Serbian ski areas are very strong, leading to landscape
degradation, functionality and financial losses, which is illustrated in ski-resort'Stara planina' …
degradation, functionality and financial losses, which is illustrated in ski-resort'Stara planina' …
Процена потенцијалне ерозије земљишта применом USLE и PESERA модела на подручју слива акумулације Првонек
VS Perović - Универзитет у Београду, 2015 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Губитак земљишта изазван процесом ерозије је озбиљан проблем у Републици
Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају …
Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају …