An Integration Scenario of Visa and Residence Permit in Indonesia during Covid-19 Outbreak: A Policy Learning from Australia

DL Maulana, R Arifin - Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 2021 -
Indonesian visa and residence permits have separated functions, where a visa is an
approval to enter, but a residence permit is to stay in Indonesia. Today's Onshore and …

The adoption of border technology of immigration control and autogates in Indonesia

BH Putra, R Arifin - SINTECH (Science and Information …, 2020 -
There has been no research on border automation or the mechanism of autogate system at
airports in Indonesia, including a comparative study on border technology of immigration …

Towards an Integration of Immigration and Customs Agency in Indonesia: A Step-by-Step Process

R Arifin, I Nurkumalawati - Journal of Government and Civil Society, 2021 -
Some challenges appear in this issue that the Indonesian border agencies indicate
weaknesses in coordination, fragmented policy instruments, and disputes in implementing …

Cooperation Initiatives Between the Directorate General of Immigration and the Australian Government on Airports in Indonesia

M Daliman, R Arifin - Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media …, 2020 -
This study is to examine the nature of collaboration between the Department of Home Affairs
Australia (DHA) and the Directorate General of Immigration Indonesia (DGI) to protect their …

[引用][C] Kebijakan Pemeriksaan Keimigrasian Di Indonesia: Bentuk Pelayanan Publik Dan Profesionalisme Petugas Imigrasi

R Arifin, I Nurkumalawati - Jurnal Ilmiah Kebijakan Hukum, 2020

Smart Automated Border Control System for Pakistan Airports Using ML-based Biometric Measures

M Mazhar, MH Abid, M Naveed… - Quaid-e-Awam …, 2024 -
With the global population on the rise, the substantial increase in cross-border travel poses
heightened security risks, the potential for the spread of pandemics such as COVID-19 …


T Maidasari, S Suwito, S Murtiana… - Ekonomi …, 2023 -
Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat indah, strategis dan terbuka untuk kunjungan
dari luar negeri. Saat ini melakukan perjalanan antar negara tidak sulit dilakukan karena …

[图书][B] Glossary of Immigration Terms in Indonesia: Glosarium Istilah Keimigrasian di Indonesia

R Arifin, I Nurkumalawati, SK Bawono - 2019 -
This book contains the A to Z immigration terms in Indonesia with a full description of each
term, word, or phrase both in English and Indonesian language. This reference book is …

[PDF][PDF] Masters Dissertation in Public Administration

R Arifin - 2020 -
Dozens of fugitives crossed Indonesia's border controls between 2011 and 2020. These
cases indicate a weakness in the immigration practices and poor border security. This thesis …

[引用][C] Studi Kasus Wawancara Keimigrasian Terhadap Wni Terduga Pmi Non-Prosedural Di Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi Teknik Dan Strategi Wawancara

LN Chandra, FA Datang - Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Keimigrasian, 2024