Desain Perangkat Monitoring Faktor Daya Pada Sistem Pv on-Grid Berbasis Iot

N Sari, Y Away, S Suriadi - Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi …, 2020 -
Penerapan sistem PV memungkinkan penggunaan energi listrik secara mandiri tanpa
terlalu bergantung pada energi konvensional. Sistem PV yang terhubung ke PLN adalah …

Comparative Analysis of Experimental Testing and Simulation of the Inductance Effect in the RLC Circuit toward the Power Factor Value

RF Muldiani, K Hadiningrum… - International Seminar of …, 2020 -
The power factor value in RLC circuits is determined by the amount of pure resistance (R),
self-inductance of the coil (L) and the capacitance of the capacitor (C). In this study, the …