An automated test generation technique for software quality assurance

D Xu, W Xu, M Kent, L Thomas… - IEEE transactions on …, 2014 -
The world's increased dependence on software-enabled systems has raised major concerns
about software reliability and security. New cost-effective tools for software quality assurance …

On theorem prover-based testing

AD Brucker, B Wolff - Formal Aspects of Computing, 2013 - Springer
HOL-TestGen is a specification and test case generation environment extending the
interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. As such, Testgen allows for an integrated workflow …

Testing for refinement in Circus

A Cavalcanti, MC Gaudel - Acta Informatica, 2011 - Springer
Circus combines constructs to define complex data operations and interactions; it integrates
Z and CSP, and, distinctively, it is a language for refinement that can describe programs as …

Uniform monte-carlo model checking

J Oudinet, A Denise, MC Gaudel, R Lassaigne… - … 2011, Held as Part of the …, 2011 - Springer
Grosu and Smolka have proposed a randomised Monte-Carlo algorithm for LTL model-
checking. Their method is based on random exploration of the intersection of the model and …

A quantitative study of pure parallel processes

O Bodini, A Genitrini, F Peschanski - arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.1873, 2014 -
In this paper, we study the interleaving--or pure merge--operator that most often
characterizes parallelism in concurrency theory. This operator is a principal cause of the so …

The combinatorics of non-determinism

O Bodini, A Genitrini, F Peschanski - IARCS Annual Conference …, 2013 -
A deep connection exists between the interleaving semantics of concurrent processes and
increasingly labelled combinatorial structures. In this paper we further explore this …

Seed: An easy-to-use random generator of recursive data structures for testing

PC Héam, C Nicaud - 2011 Fourth IEEE International …, 2011 -
Random testing represents a simple and tractable way for software assessment. This paper
presents the Seed tool that can be used for the uniform random generation of recursive data …

Enumeration and random generation of concurrent computations

O Bodini, A Genitrini… - Discrete Mathematics & …, 2012 -
In this paper, we study the shuffle operator on concurrent processes (represented as trees)
using analytic combinatorics tools. As a first result, we show that the mean width of shuffle …

Counting for random testing

MC Gaudel - Testing Software and Systems: 23rd IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2011 - Springer
The seminal works of Wilf and Nijenhuis in the late 70s have led to efficient algorithms for
counting and generating uniformly at random a variety of combinatorial structures. In 1994 …

On the use of uniform random generation of automata for testing

F Dadeau, J Levrey, PC Héam - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer …, 2009 - Elsevier
Developing efficient and automatic testing techniques is one of the major challenges facing
software validation community. In this paper, we show how a uniform random generation …