[PDF][PDF] Digital Innovation in Pesantren Education: Prediction to Welcome Global Islam Awakening

A Ansori, DM Rohmatulloh, D Sudrajat… - Nazhruna: Jurnal …, 2022 - researchgate.net
This paper aimed to discuss the creativity and innovation of Islamic boarding schools in the
digital era. The research method of this study was literature, by looking for related literature …

[PDF][PDF] Education Policy in a Post-Pandemic: Recovery and Strengthening of Learning in Indonesia

A Rahman - Journal of Public Administration and Local …, 2023 - eprints.uad.ac.id
This study wants to analyze how education policy in Indonesia responds to learning
disruptions after the pandemic has passed. The impact of loss of learning and a decrease in …

[PDF][PDF] The Adiwiyata Islamic Boarding School Management (A Study of Participatory Leadership Style)

MAM Prasetyo, B Bashori… - AL-TA'LIM …, 2021 - repository.iainlhokseumawe.ac.id
In Aceh Province, Dayah Perbatasan Darul Amin is an Islamic Boarding school institution
that has twice had achievement as the cleanest and healthiest boarding school as part of …

Efektifitas Platform Quizizz Sebagai Media Evaluasi Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di MAN 1 Kudus

A Zafi - Murobbi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021 - jurnal.iaibafa.ac.id
This study aims to determine the application of the Quizizz platform as a medium for
evaluating learning Akidah Akhlak in MAN 1 Kudus and to determine the effectiveness of …

Madrasah Education Quality Reform: Improving Teacher Quality post Pandemic in Indonesia

A Rahman, MIM Pisol, MN Sari… - AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal …, 2024 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
Indonesia has launched a reform agenda for the quality of madrasah education through the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in terms of improving the …

The Utilization of Information Technology for the Professional Development of Islamic Education Teachers in Indonesia

M Ikhwan, M Fuadi, M Mailizar… - … : Jurnal Pemikiran dan …, 2023 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
The professional development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers is crucial to
enhancing the quality of PAI learning in schools. One effective means to support their …

The curriculum model of study program-based Muhammadiyah form of cadre

Z Nuryana, A Rahman, F Setiawan - … International Conference on …, 2019 - atlantis-press.com
Islamic education should quickly adapt itself with era development. The study program in
university has an important role in delivering the students' success. Islamic Education Study …

[PDF][PDF] MILLENIAL AWAKENING: Negosiasi Pendidikan Islam, Kaum Muda & Teknologi Terhadap Perubahan Global

A Rahman - PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 2019 - researchgate.net
Pendidikan Islam yang telah melewati periode yang cukup panjang, saat ini telah
bersinggungan dengan gelombang teknologi yang begitu besar. Sehingga isu dikotomi …

Implementation of Islamic Religious Learning Through Islamic Children's Songs In Al-Futuh Kindergarten, Bantul District

NLRL Dasaningsih, A Rahman - Islam in World Perspectives, 2024 - journal2.uad.ac.id
Learning is an activity that has educational value, this value is contained in the interactions
that occur between teachers and students. Islamic religious education upholds the …

Islam as a Humanitarian Teaching and Pillar of Peace Education

FP Utami, D Citraningsih - Islam in World Perspectives, 2023 - journal2.uad.ac.id
In the Islamic view, the teachings of humanity are education that seeks to realize man on his
potential, and helps awaken and guide that potential to grow intoa caliph (earth manager) …