[PDF][PDF] Zakat Digitalization: Effectiveness of Zakat Management During Covid-19 Pandemic

SY Ninglasari, M Muhammad - Journal of Islamic Economic Laws, 2021 - researchgate.net
This study aims to analyze the role of digitalization in zakat management during the Covid-
19 pandemic. Furthermore, it also aims to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities …

[PDF][PDF] Review E-Commerce dalam Perspektif Bisnis Syariah

A Iswandi - Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Perkembangan digital teknologi saat ini sangat pesat terutama di sektor ecommerce.
Ketatnya persaingan telah memaksa banyak pihak untuk terus berinovasi agar tetap dapat …

The effect of internal control, information technology and audit on good Amil governance practices

F Yolanda, MH Zaenal, SE Pramono - International Journal of Zakat, 2020 - ijazbaznas.com
This research aimed to find out how strong the effect of the implementation of internal
control, information technology and audit on Good Amil Governance. In this research, the …

The Impact of Industrial Era 4.0 and Social Media Marketing on Zakat Payments: A Study of E-Commerce and Online Applications by Zakat Institutions Bogor

A Renaldy, M Mas' udi - Journal of Islamic Economic and Business …, 2023 - jiebr.umy.ac.id
This study aims to determine the potential of the 4.0 era and the influence of social media
marketing activity on online zakat payments through e-commerce and online applications for …

Islamic philanthropy and community welfare

A Zaenurrosyid, H Sholihah - NUsantara Islamic Economic …, 2023 - journal.unisnu.ac.id
Community economic empowerment can be done through the management and distribution
of the allocation of zakat, infaq, and alms. Based on the goal of raising the humanitarian …

Consumer Preferences for Interest in Buying at Supermarkets (Study on TIP TOP Ciputat)

L Sari, B Ali - Al-Musyarakah: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2023 - jurnal.uic.ac.id
The halal label is the result of a halal certification process by LPPOM MUI on a product. The
purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of the halal label on purchasing …

[引用][C] Pengelolaan Wakaf Uang Pada Lembaga Pusat Pengelolaan Dana Sosial dalam Bidang Pendidikan di Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

AR Firmansyah - Intiqad: Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam, 2021

[引用][C] Tinjauan Shopeepay Later dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah: Studi Fenomenologi di Kota Bekasi

AZ Subagja - Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi …, 2023