Macroeconomic implications of financial imperfections: a survey
S Claessens, MA Kose - 2017 -
This paper surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the macroeconomic
implications of financial imperfections. It focuses on two major channels through which …
implications of financial imperfections. It focuses on two major channels through which …
How are policy uncertainty, real economy, and financial sector connected?
Frequent economic policy adjustments increase economic policy uncertainty. Recent studies
show that policy uncertainty has contractionary effects on real investment. We conduct a …
show that policy uncertainty has contractionary effects on real investment. We conduct a …
Financial markets, banks, and growth: Disentangling the links
A Giovannini, M Iacopetta, R Minetti - Revue de l'OFCE, 2013 -
Bekaert et al.(2007) seem to partially contradict the previous two papers. Using a different
measure of growth opportunities (constructed by combining the country's pattern of industrial …
measure of growth opportunities (constructed by combining the country's pattern of industrial …
Liquidity and discipline. bank due diligence over the business cycle
The quality of bank lending is increasingly viewed as a force driving the buildup and
unfolding of crises. In a dynamic general equilibrium model, we show that banks' access to …
unfolding of crises. In a dynamic general equilibrium model, we show that banks' access to …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of Bank Financial Intermediation on Agricultural Performance in Nigeria
AD Ogunlokun, AA Liasu - South Asian Research Journal of …, 2021 -
This study examined the effect of bank financial intermediation on the performance of
agricultural sector in Nigeria between 1992 and 2017. Time series data were collected from …
agricultural sector in Nigeria between 1992 and 2017. Time series data were collected from …
Financial intermediaries and economic growth: The Nigerian evidence
O Efayena - Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 2014 -
This study seeks to examine the role of financial intermediaries and to find out whether
financial intermediaries impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The study adopts the Harrod …
financial intermediaries impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The study adopts the Harrod …
[PDF][PDF] Creating value through intermediaries
J Geersbro, M Vedel - 24th IMP Conference, 2008 -
This paper focuses on the perceived buyer value of intermediated channels for building
articles made to order. In order to include the co-creation aspect, this paper applies a triadic …
articles made to order. In order to include the co-creation aspect, this paper applies a triadic …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of financial intermediation on the development of small and medium scale enterprises in Anambra State, Nigeria
OC Nnabugwu - International Journal of Innovative Finance and …, 2021 -
This work examined effect of financial intermediation on the development of small and
medium scale enterprises in Anambra State Nigeria. The study specifically is designed to …
medium scale enterprises in Anambra State Nigeria. The study specifically is designed to …
[图书][B] Wissenstransfer in Clustern: eine Analyse am Beispiel des Biotech-Standorts Martinsried
M Rimkus - 2009 -
Manuel Rimkus analysiert die verschiedenen Koordinationsmechanismen von disparat
verteiltem Wissen am Beispiel des Biotechnologiestandorts Martinsried. Er untersucht …
verteiltem Wissen am Beispiel des Biotechnologiestandorts Martinsried. Er untersucht …
[图书][B] Value Creation in Triadic Business Relationships: Interaction, Interconnection and Position
M Vedel - 2010 -
This thesis reports the findings of one of three co-financed research projects under the
heading:“Customer driven innovation in the building articles industry”. The issue is value …
heading:“Customer driven innovation in the building articles industry”. The issue is value …