Collaborative filtering based online recommendation systems: A survey

BM Khan, A Mansha, FH Khan… - … on Information and …, 2017 -
In recent years, the volume of data present online has grown exponentially. A major portion
of this data is related to internet-based e-commerce platforms. The evaluation of such data …

Enabling healthy food choices in the workplace: the canteen operators' perspective

S Price, J Bray, L Brown - International Journal of Workplace Health …, 2017 -
Purpose Employees eat regularly in workplace foodservice settings, thus the food served
can significantly impact their overall diet. Workplace foodservice providers are facing several …

[PDF][PDF] sistem rekomendasi bacaan tugas akhir jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Sriwijaya menggunakan metode collaborative filtering dan Naive Bayes

RI Aprilia - Annual Research Seminar: Computer Science and …, 2016 -
Sistem Rekomendasi merupakan aplikasi pemberi rekomendasi berupa informasi yang
dibutuhkan oleh pengguna berdasarkan feedback dari pengguna lain. Fakultas Ilmu …

SousChef system for personalized meal recommendations: A validation study

D Ribeiro, T Barbosa, J Ribeiro, F Sousa, EF Vieira… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Nutrition is an essential part of our life. A healthy diet can help to prevent several chronic
diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, being influenced by …

[PDF][PDF] A recommender system model for improving elderly well-being: A systematic literature review

AK Azmi, N Abdullah, NA Emran - Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl, 2019 -
Recommender systems are information filtering system that overcomes excess data
problems by filtering fragments of important information from massive amount of information …

A collaborative filtering recommender system model for recommending intervention to improve elderly well-being

AK Azmi, N Abdullah, NA Emran - International Journal of …, 2019 -
In improving elderly well-being nowadays, people at home or health care centre are mostly
focusing on guarding and monitoring the elderly using tools, such as CCTV, robots, and …

An Empirical Analysis of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Building a Food Recommender System

AM Ornab, S Chowdhury, SB Toa - Data and Communication Networks …, 2019 - Springer
Recommender system has been playing a great role in almost every sectors starting from
online shopping Web sites to online movie sites and social networking sites. However, the …

Развитие индустрии здорового питания с использованием прогрессивных информационных решений

ЮН Белова, АС Максимов, АА Ношин… - Health, Food & …, 2020 -
В современных условиях конкуренции предприятия общественного питания, в том
числе и рестораны, вынуждены разрабатывать и использовать различные технологии …

Костинець Валерія Володимирівна

Статтю присвячено дослідженню основних можливостей індустрії гостинності як
складової ринку туристичних послуг в умовах виклику поширення коронавірусної …

Penerapan Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) pada Sistem Rekomendasi Film dengan Metode Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

PM Pawitra - 2019 -
Banyaknya film yang beredar membuat masyarakat sulit menemukan film yang mereka
inginkan. Solusi dari permasalahan diatas adalah disediakanya suatu sistem rekomendasi …