Multimodal interfaces: A survey of principles, models and frameworks
The grand challenge of multimodal interface creation is to build reliable processing systems
able to analyze and understand multiple communication means in real-time. This opens a …
able to analyze and understand multiple communication means in real-time. This opens a …
Machine learning for social multiparty human--robot interaction
We describe a variety of machine-learning techniques that are being applied to social
multiuser human--robot interaction using a robot bartender in our scenario. We first present …
multiuser human--robot interaction using a robot bartender in our scenario. We first present …
[HTML][HTML] Fusion paradigms in cognitive technical systems for human–computer interaction
Recent trends in human–computer interaction (HCI) show a development towards cognitive
technical systems (CTS) to provide natural and efficient operating principles. To do so, a …
technical systems (CTS) to provide natural and efficient operating principles. To do so, a …
Adaptive probabilistic fission for multimodal systems
Human beings continuously adapt their way of communication to their surroundings and
their communication partner. Although context-aware ubiquitous systems gather a lot of …
their communication partner. Although context-aware ubiquitous systems gather a lot of …
SiAM-dp: An open development platform for massively multimodal dialogue systems in cyber-physical environments
R Neßelrath - 2015 -
Cyber-physical environments enhance natural environments of daily life such as homes,
factories, offices, and cars by connecting the cybernetic world of computers and …
factories, offices, and cars by connecting the cybernetic world of computers and …
Frameworks, description languages and fusion engines for multimodal interactive systems
B Dumas - 2010 -
English French The field of multimodal interaction grew during the last decade, as a
consequence of the advent of innovative input interfaces, as well as the development of …
consequence of the advent of innovative input interfaces, as well as the development of …
[PDF][PDF] Multimodal interaction in smart environments: a model-based runtime system for ubiquitous user interfaces
M Blumendorf - 2009 -
The increasing popularity of computers in all areas of life raises new challenges for
computer scientists and developers in all areas of computing technology. Networked …
computer scientists and developers in all areas of computing technology. Networked …
The automated interplay of multimodal fission and fusion in adaptive HCI
Present context-aware systems gather a lot of information to maximize their functionality but
they predominantly use rather static ways to communicate. This paper motivates two …
they predominantly use rather static ways to communicate. This paper motivates two …
Separating representation, reasoning, and implementation for interaction management: Lessons from automated planning
ME Foster, RP A. Petrick - Dialogues with Social Robots: Enablements …, 2017 - Springer
Numerous toolkits are available for developing speech-based dialogue systems. We survey
a range of currently available toolkits, highlighting the different facilities provided by each …
a range of currently available toolkits, highlighting the different facilities provided by each …
Multimodal fission
P Grifoni - Multimodal human computer interaction and pervasive …, 2009 -
An important issue for communication processes in general, and for multimodal interaction
in particular, is the information output arrangement and organization (multimodal fission) …
in particular, is the information output arrangement and organization (multimodal fission) …