Urgency of Law Amendment as Foundation of The Implementation of Cyber Notary
D Alincia, TH Sitabuana - Law Reform, 2021 - ejournal.undip.ac.id
Abstract The concept of Cyber Notary in Indonesia is influenced by the advance of
technology, the need of the society, and the way people think. Cyber notary is mentioned in …
technology, the need of the society, and the way people think. Cyber notary is mentioned in …
Penetration of International Economic Law in the Development of the Cyber Notary Concept in Indonesia
This study aims to describe the penetration of international economic law in the
development of the cyber notary concept in Indonesia. The development of the world today …
development of the cyber notary concept in Indonesia. The development of the world today …
Authenticity of the Deed of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) Conducted on the Basis of Cyber Notary During the Covid-19 Pandemic
MP Wati, S Sulistyandari… - Journal of Social …, 2023 - ijsr.internationaljournallabs.com
The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the entire population of the world in recent times has
had a significant impact on human life. People around the world have to start getting used to …
had a significant impact on human life. People around the world have to start getting used to …
La necesidad de establecer un procedimiento legal para identificar a los otorgantes en los contratos celebrados ante notarios, Perú 2019
RS Chacón Aponte - 2020 - repositorio.ucv.edu.pe
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la necesidad de
establecer un procedimiento legal para identificar a los otorgantes en instrumentos públicos …
establecer un procedimiento legal para identificar a los otorgantes en instrumentos públicos …