Preen oil and bird fitness: a critical review of the evidence

G Moreno‐Rueda - Biological Reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The uropygial gland is a holocrine complex exclusive to birds that produces an oleaginous
secretion (preen oil) whose function is still debated. Herein, I examine critically the evidence …

Olfactory camouflage and communication in birds

LA Grieves, M Gilles, IC Cuthill, T Székely… - Biological …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Smell is a sensory modality that is rarely considered in birds, but evidence is mounting that
olfaction is an important aspect of avian behaviour and ecology. The uropygial gland …

Sex recognition by odour and variation in the uropygial gland secretion in starlings

L Amo, JM Avilés, D Parejo, A Peña… - Journal of Animal …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Although a growing body of evidence supports that olfaction based on chemical compounds
emitted by birds may play a role in individual recognition, the possible role of chemical cues …

Potential semiochemical molecules from birds: a practical and comprehensive compilation of the last 20 years studies

S Campagna, J Mardon, A Celerier… - Chemical …, 2012 -
During the past 2 decades, considerable progress has been made in the study of bird
semiochemistry, and our goal was to review and evaluate this literature with particular …

Chemical composition of preen wax reflects major histocompatibility complex similarity in songbirds

JWG Slade, MJ Watson, TR Kelly… - … of the Royal …, 2016 -
In jawed vertebrates, genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a key role in
immunity by encoding cell-surface proteins that recognize and bind non-self antigens. High …

Rapid cortisol signaling in response to acute stress involves changes in plasma membrane order in rainbow trout liver

L Dindia, E Faught, Z Leonenko… - American Journal …, 2013 -
The activation of genomic signaling in response to stressor-mediated cortisol elevation has
been studied extensively in teleosts. However, very little is known about the rapid signaling …

Behavioural responses of songbirds to preen oil odour cues of sex and species

LA Grieves, MA Bernards, EA MacDougall-Shackleton - Animal Behaviour, 2019 - Elsevier
Highlights•Songbird preen oil chemical composition differs between species and
sexes.•Song sparrows spent more time with opposite-sex than same-sex conspecific …

Wax ester composition of songbird preen oil varies seasonally and differs between sexes, ages, and populations

LA Grieves, MA Bernards… - Journal of Chemical …, 2019 - Springer
Chemical signaling has been well studied in invertebrates and mammals but less so in
birds, due to the longstanding misconception that olfaction is unimportant or even non …

[HTML][HTML] Homing and nest recognition in nocturnal blue petrels: what scent may attract birds to their burrows?

T Zidat, M Gabirot, F Bonadonna, CT Müller - Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Hypogean petrels return to the same nest burrow to breed on remote islands during the
summer months. Their nocturnal behavior at the colony, strong musky odor and olfactory …

Variation in preen oil composition pertaining to season, sex, and genotype in the polymorphic white-throated sparrow

EM Tuttle, PJ Sebastian, AL Posto, HA Soini… - Journal of Chemical …, 2014 - Springer
Evidence for the the ability of birds to detect olfactory signals is now well documented, yet it
remains unclear whether birds secrete chemicals that can be used as social cues. A …