Long-term dynamics of voluntary engagement: Differentiating social structural from cohort and period effects
J Jacobsen, D Schieferdecker, D Gerstorf… - … : International Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
Prior research has suggested three explanations why levels of voluntary engagement rise
and fall over time within societies. A social structural explanation considers individual …
and fall over time within societies. A social structural explanation considers individual …
Class origin, intergenerational transfers, and the gender wealth gap
NA Trinh - Socio-Economic Review, 2024 - academic.oup.com
This study pursues two objectives: First, to describe how gender disparities in wealth levels
vary by parental class and second, to examine the contribution of the gendered allocation of …
vary by parental class and second, to examine the contribution of the gendered allocation of …
Information and financialization: credit markets as a new source of inequality
Driven by financialization and rising demand for credit, household sector debt in OECD
countries has risen sharply. We argue that this rise in private debt has become a significant …
countries has risen sharply. We argue that this rise in private debt has become a significant …
[PDF][PDF] Individual Differences in Event-Related Personality Changes: A Systematic Review and Coordinated Data Analysis
Life events have been theorized to cause personality trait changes. However, people differ
in their personality trait trajectories after experiencing important life events. Although several …
in their personality trait trajectories after experiencing important life events. Although several …
Spouses' division of labor and marital stability: Applying the multiple-equilibrium theory to cohort trends of divorce in East and West Germany
Objective: In comparing East and West Germany, we investigate task specialization and its
association with marital stability twofold:(1) Has the association between women's …
association with marital stability twofold:(1) Has the association between women's …
SOEP-Core-2021: Sampling, nonresponse, and weighting in wave 2 of living in Germany-Nationwide Corona-Monitoring (RKI-SOEP2)
C Danne, M Priem, HW Steinhauer - 2022 - econstor.eu
This paper describes the weighting methodology for the second wave of the Living in
Germany-Nationwide Corona Monitoring study (RKI-SOEP2). Information from the larger …
Germany-Nationwide Corona Monitoring study (RKI-SOEP2). Information from the larger …
Managers' traditional gender role attitudes: Diverging relations with narcissistic admiration and rivalry and the daughter effect.
AK Stöcker, IK Gauglitz, A Schütz - Journal of Personnel …, 2024 - psycnet.apa.org
Our study investigated gender role attitudes in narcissism. Using a representative data set
(N= 2,850) from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) in Germany, we examined how two …
(N= 2,850) from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) in Germany, we examined how two …
Migrants' social integration and its relevance for national identification: An empirical comparison across three social spheres
CC Becker - Frontiers in sociology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
A key element of migrants' well-being is their emotional integration, that is, the extent to
which they perceive themselves as members of society and their identification with the …
which they perceive themselves as members of society and their identification with the …
Unemployment and social integration: Analysing the impact of financial strain, social roles, and identity
C Giustozzi - KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und …, 2023 - Springer
Relations to family and friends are a key dimension of an individual's social integration and,
by extension, are crucial for the social cohesion of societies. Based on that principle, this …
by extension, are crucial for the social cohesion of societies. Based on that principle, this …
Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?
S Poier - Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2021 - Springer
This study among owners of photovoltaic systems investigates whether users' Big Five
personality traits derived from their Facebook likes contribute to whether or not they adopt an …
personality traits derived from their Facebook likes contribute to whether or not they adopt an …