[PDF][PDF] pembentukan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui kegiatan penghijauan pada siswa MIM Derasan Sempu, boyolali
A Sabardila, AD Budiargo, G Wiratmoko… - Buletin KKN …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Program penghijauan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepedulian siswa terhadap
lingkungan adalah kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di MIM Derasan Sempu, Kabupaten …
lingkungan adalah kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di MIM Derasan Sempu, Kabupaten …
Developing Teaching Material of Research Methodology and Learning with 4D Model in Facilitating Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Improve Critical …
This research and development aimed to produce teaching materials for research and
teaching methodology courses using the 4D model. Teaching materials were arranged …
teaching methodology courses using the 4D model. Teaching materials were arranged …
Rancang Bangun Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Ekopedagogik Approach
DM Irianto, YT Herlambang… - … : Jurnal Kajian dan …, 2022 - journal.umtas.ac.id
This Study aims to describe the Design of Teaching Materials Based Digital Ekopedagogik
Approach. The research method used is the method of Design and Development using …
Approach. The research method used is the method of Design and Development using …
Efektifitas pengembangan buku ajar berbasis nilai-nilai karakter multikultural terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa
SA Wibowo, S Utaminingsih - Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 - ejournal.uksw.edu
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of multicultural-based learning to improve
students' critical thinking skills in elementary schools. This is a Research and Development …
students' critical thinking skills in elementary schools. This is a Research and Development …
Effect of the problem-based adolescent reproductive health module on students' life skills and attitudes
This study aimed to analyze the effect of the implementation of a problem-based adolescent
reproductive health module on students' life skills and positive attitudes toward reproductive …
reproductive health module on students' life skills and positive attitudes toward reproductive …
[引用][C] Fostering students' environmental care characters through local wisdom-based teaching materials
[引用][C] How is The Development of Valid and Practical Android-Based Local Wisdom Teaching Materials?
IM Mudiartana, IG Margunayasa, DGH Divayana - Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, 2021