[图书][B] Fiqh Keluarga Muslim Indonesia

U Baroroh - 2023 - books.google.com
Perkawinan dalam fiqh berbahasa Arab disebut dengan dua kata, yaitu nikah dan zawaj.
Kata na-kaha dan za-wa-ja terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an dengan arti kawin yang berarti …

[PDF][PDF] Negotiating Muslim Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia: Integration and Conflict in Islamic Law

MA Nasir - Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 2022 - academia.edu
Conflict can emerge from marriage involving parties of a different faith. However, interfaith
marriage may also expose negotiation to secure the union. Although interfaith marriage is …

[PDF][PDF] Menelisik Dinamika Dan Eksistensi Fatwa Mui Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Pandemi Covid-19

ARA Saputera - Tahkim, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Penelitian ini didesain dalam bentuk penelitian (Library Reserach) menggunakan berbagai
sumber kepustakaan sebagai sumber data penelitian, dengan tujuan menelisik dan …

Islam and Christianity at Rumah Gadang: The Household Characteristics of Minangnese Interfaith Marriage

AA Tarigan, J Naldo… - JURIS (Jurnal …, 2024 - ejournal.uinmybatusangkar.ac.id
This study discusses the Islam and Christianity at Rumah Gadang: Characteristics of
Minangnese interfaith marriage in Padang, Yogyakarta, and Salatiga. Minangnese …

Fiqh Perkawinan Beda Agama di Indonesia: Kajian atas Fatwa-Fatwa NU, MUI dan Muhammadiyyah

A Mutakin - Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2021 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Interfaith marriages are a classic example of a legal question that has yet to be resolved.
There are several points of contention in it, ranging from how to define the term scribes to …

Negotiating love and faith: Interfaith marriage in Manado, Indonesia

R Bukido, E Gunawan, D Usup… - Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2021 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Interfaith marriages in people's lives have been practised in many areas in Indonesia, even
if it's not legally registered. The rule of law in Indonesia does not accommodate interfaith …

Fazlur Rahman's Double Movement and Its Contribution to the Development of Religious Moderation.

M Yusuf, A Sadat - … Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
The essential consideration is whether hermeneutics as an alternative approach can
dialogue between the texts and reality. This research is library research, in which the data …

Testimonium de Auditu Witness: Comparison of Maṣlāhah in the Settlement of Syiqāq in the Religious Court of the Border Regions

N Nofiardi - Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum …, 2023 - jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id
Witness examination is one of the trial procedures required to resolve cases before the
Religious Courts. According to the regulations, witnesses must provide information directly …

Maqashid Al Shariah in Economic Development: Theoretical Review of Muhammad Umer Chapra's Thoughts

MDH bin Osman - Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 2022 - journal.uii.ac.id
Abstract Muhammad Umer Chapra is among leading experts in Islamic economics. He
published many well-known books, such as The Future of Economics: An Islamic …

[HTML][HTML] Poligami dalam perspektif kesetaraan gender (studi pemikiran Siti Musdah Mulia dan Muhammad Quraish Shihab)

A Rifa'i - 2018 - digilib.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id
Poligami merupakan persoalan klasik tapi akan terus menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Pada
era modern ini di mana isu kesetaraan gender semakin menguat, persoalan poligami …