[图书][B] Fiqh Keluarga Muslim Indonesia
U Baroroh - 2023 - books.google.com
Perkawinan dalam fiqh berbahasa Arab disebut dengan dua kata, yaitu nikah dan zawaj.
Kata na-kaha dan za-wa-ja terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an dengan arti kawin yang berarti …
Kata na-kaha dan za-wa-ja terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an dengan arti kawin yang berarti …
[PDF][PDF] Negotiating Muslim Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia: Integration and Conflict in Islamic Law
MA Nasir - Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 2022 - academia.edu
Conflict can emerge from marriage involving parties of a different faith. However, interfaith
marriage may also expose negotiation to secure the union. Although interfaith marriage is …
marriage may also expose negotiation to secure the union. Although interfaith marriage is …
[PDF][PDF] Menelisik Dinamika Dan Eksistensi Fatwa Mui Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Pandemi Covid-19
ARA Saputera - Tahkim, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Penelitian ini didesain dalam bentuk penelitian (Library Reserach) menggunakan berbagai
sumber kepustakaan sebagai sumber data penelitian, dengan tujuan menelisik dan …
sumber kepustakaan sebagai sumber data penelitian, dengan tujuan menelisik dan …
Islam and Christianity at Rumah Gadang: The Household Characteristics of Minangnese Interfaith Marriage
AA Tarigan, J Naldo… - JURIS (Jurnal …, 2024 - ejournal.uinmybatusangkar.ac.id
This study discusses the Islam and Christianity at Rumah Gadang: Characteristics of
Minangnese interfaith marriage in Padang, Yogyakarta, and Salatiga. Minangnese …
Minangnese interfaith marriage in Padang, Yogyakarta, and Salatiga. Minangnese …
Fiqh Perkawinan Beda Agama di Indonesia: Kajian atas Fatwa-Fatwa NU, MUI dan Muhammadiyyah
A Mutakin - Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2021 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Interfaith marriages are a classic example of a legal question that has yet to be resolved.
There are several points of contention in it, ranging from how to define the term scribes to …
There are several points of contention in it, ranging from how to define the term scribes to …
Negotiating love and faith: Interfaith marriage in Manado, Indonesia
Interfaith marriages in people's lives have been practised in many areas in Indonesia, even
if it's not legally registered. The rule of law in Indonesia does not accommodate interfaith …
if it's not legally registered. The rule of law in Indonesia does not accommodate interfaith …
Fazlur Rahman's Double Movement and Its Contribution to the Development of Religious Moderation.
The essential consideration is whether hermeneutics as an alternative approach can
dialogue between the texts and reality. This research is library research, in which the data …
dialogue between the texts and reality. This research is library research, in which the data …
Testimonium de Auditu Witness: Comparison of Maṣlāhah in the Settlement of Syiqāq in the Religious Court of the Border Regions
N Nofiardi - Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum …, 2023 - jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id
Witness examination is one of the trial procedures required to resolve cases before the
Religious Courts. According to the regulations, witnesses must provide information directly …
Religious Courts. According to the regulations, witnesses must provide information directly …
Maqashid Al Shariah in Economic Development: Theoretical Review of Muhammad Umer Chapra's Thoughts
MDH bin Osman - Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 2022 - journal.uii.ac.id
Abstract Muhammad Umer Chapra is among leading experts in Islamic economics. He
published many well-known books, such as The Future of Economics: An Islamic …
published many well-known books, such as The Future of Economics: An Islamic …
[HTML][HTML] Poligami dalam perspektif kesetaraan gender (studi pemikiran Siti Musdah Mulia dan Muhammad Quraish Shihab)
A Rifa'i - 2018 - digilib.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id
Poligami merupakan persoalan klasik tapi akan terus menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Pada
era modern ini di mana isu kesetaraan gender semakin menguat, persoalan poligami …
era modern ini di mana isu kesetaraan gender semakin menguat, persoalan poligami …