Experiences of Community Violence Among Adolescents in Indonesia

AN Yudha, M Chuemchit - SAGE Open, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Violence has been widely acknowledged as a severe infringement of human rights and a
global public health concern, with profound implications for individuals' well-being and …

The Application of the Restraining Order Mechanism to Domestic Violence Crimes

AP Noer, RD Agustanti - JURNAL USM LAW REVIEW, 2024 - journals.usm.ac.id
This article aims to analyze the legal protection for victims of domestic violence through the
Restraining Order mechanism. In addition, this article also aims to provide recommendations …

Collaborative Writing Learning in Inquiry to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

N Shofiah, ZF Putera… - Journal of English for …, 2024 - ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id
In tertiary education, the enhancement of writing skills is paramount. One effective approach
to mastering academic writing is through inquiry-based collaborative learning. Hence, this …

Law and Society Approach on Legal Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence

SA Choirinnisa - Semarang State University Undergraduate …, 2022 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Violence in society is actually not a new thing. Violence is often carried out in conjunction
with one form of criminal act, as regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) for example theft …

Repositioning Legal Protection For Victims of Domestic Neglect In Indonesia: Between Legal Breakthroughs and Reality?

R Hendriana, A Raharjo, BKH Jati… - Kosmik …, 2024 - jurnalnasional.ump.ac.id
Domestic neglect is frequently occurring yet often overlooked and considered less
significant compared to physical and sexual violence. This research employs normative …

Discovering EFL Learners' Perspectives in Unscripted Role-Play

N Salsabila, F Megawati - Journal of English for …, 2024 - ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id
This research emphasized the value of interactive activities, especially unscripted role-play,
in improving Indonesian EFL learners' spontaneous English speaking skills in their learning …

Breaking the Cycle: A Medicolegal Analysis of the Effectiveness of Interventions in Preventing Domestic Violence Recidivism in Dhaka, Bangladesh

M Ayash, S Khan - Sriwijaya journal of forensic and medicolegal, 2023 - phlox.or.id
Introduction: Domestic violence remains a pervasive issue globally, and Dhaka,
Bangladesh, is no exception. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of various …

Dampak Kesehatan Korban Domestic Violence

V Meilinda, I Indreswati - Jurnal Kesehatan Perintis, 2023 - jurnal.upertis.ac.id
Abstract Domestic Violence atau Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) menjadi hal
penting karena sepanjang tahun 2022 Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan …

[PDF][PDF] Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak Dalam Perspektif Hukum di Indonesia

RAE Putra - Verdict: Journal of Law Science, 2024 - academia.edu
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak di Indonesia merupakan masalah kompleks
yang membutuhkan perhatian serius dan pendekatan multidimensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan …


I Kertati, S Darmanto… - Yayasan Drestanta …, 2023 - publisher.yayasandpi.or.id
Pemerintah Indonesia mendapatkan apresiasi dan penghargaan dari PBB dalam
memitigasi penanganan pandemi Covid-19 yang disampaikan oleh Presiden Majelis Umum …