How secure are our computer systems courses?

M Almansoori, J Lam, E Fang, K Mulligan… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 -
Introductory computer systems courses teach students how a single program is executed
inside a computer, providing them with their first exposure to the logical internals of …

Textbook underflow: Insufficient security discussions in textbooks used for computer systems courses

M Almansoori, J Lam, E Fang, AG Soosai Raj… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Introductory computer science courses, such as Computer Systems, could be used to
provide the first exposure to computer security to students. However, prior work has shown …

Introducing parallel computing in a second CS course

T Newhall, KC Webb, V Chaganti… - 2022 IEEE International …, 2022 -
The ubiquity of multicore processors, cloud computing, and hardware accelerators have
elevated parallel and distributed computing (PDC) topics into fundamental building blocks of …

Dive into systems: A free, online textbook for introducing computer systems

SJ Matthews, T Newhall, KC Webb - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM …, 2021 -
This paper presents our experiences, motivations, and goals for developing Dive into
Systems [17], a new, free, online textbook that introduces computer systems, computer …

Variations on" From Nand to Tetris" with Logisim and ARM

I Ilinkin - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation …, 2023 -
This paper shares experience with using Logisim to complement the hardware specification
approach and accompanying simulator for the projects in" From Nand to Tetris"(N2T; …

A Free Online Textbook Introducing Computer Architecture Topics

T Newhall, SJ Matthews, KC Webb - Proceedings of the Workshop on …, 2023 -
This paper describes the computer architecture content in Dive into Systems, our free, online
textbook that introduces a broad range of computer systems topics. Dive into Systems …

An Open-Source BinaryGame for Learning Reverse Engineering

DA Gourdine, SJ Matthews - Journal of computing sciences in colleges, 2023 -
This paper introduces an open-source BinaryGame that assists students learning reverse
engineering. The game consists of ten levels that increase in difficulty, help pages on GDB …

Trying to do it all in a single course: a surprisingly good idea

T Newhall - 2020 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Education for High …, 2020 -
We present the curricular design and learning goals of an upper-level undergraduate course
that covers a wide breadth of topics in parallel and distributed computing (PDC), while also …

[PDF][PDF] Textbook Underflow

M Almansoori, J Lam, E Fang, AGS Raj, R Chatterjee - 2021 -
Introductory computer science courses, such as Computer Systems, could be used to
provide the first exposure to computer security to students. However, prior work has shown …


З Екзамен -
Мета викладання дисципліни «Підприємництво» полягає у формуванні в студентів
системи теоретичних знань і практичних навиків з філософії підприємництва, розуміння …