How to Design Qualitative Research with NVivo 12 Plus for Local Government Corruption Issue in Indonesia?

S Salahudin, A Nurmandi, MJ Loilatu - Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 2020 -
Abstract This paper utilizes NVivo 12 Plus, a type of qualitative data analysis software, for
qualitative document content analysis as a means of understanding informal fiscal …

Akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa di kecamatan Kotamobagu Selatan kota Kotamobagu

AJ Makalalag, GB Nangoi… - … RISET AKUNTANSI DAN …, 2017 -
Dalam pengelolaan dana desa dituntut adanya suatu aspek tata pemerintahan yang baik
(good governance) dimana salah satu pilarnya adalah akuntabilitas. Alokasi dana yang …

Corruption and village: Accountability of village fund management on preventing corruption (problems and challenges)

EA Ash-shidiqqi, H Wibisono - JILS, 2018 - HeinOnline
Village funds have not been used optimally for village development. Some cases of
misappropriation of village funds occur due to a lack of accountability in the use of village …

Factors influencing non-tax revenue sustainability in Indonesian government institutions: the mediating role of accountability

P Wibowo, E Murwaningsari - Cogent Business & Management, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Non-tax revenue (NTR) is a source of national revenue that has significantly grown over the
last two decades in Indonesia. Apart from the achievement of NTR in the national budget …

Transparency and accountability in local government: levels of commitment of municipal councillors in Bongabon in the Philippines

AG Gabriel - Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Transparency and accountability are essential components of democratic government and
governance, nationally and locally. In recognition of their core significance, this note (as part …

Internal auditors role indicators and their support of good governance

S Rahayu, Yudi, Rahayu - Cogent Business & Management, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The study aimed to develop indicators to measure the implementation of a new model for
internal auditors in government organizations and their support of good public governance …

Pongamia: A possible option for degraded land restoration and bioenergy production in Indonesia

B Leksono, SA Rahman, M Larjavaara, DA Purbaya… - Forests, 2021 -
Indonesia has 14 million ha of degraded and marginal land, which provides very few
benefits for human wellbeing or biodiversity. This degraded land may require restoration …

Implementing Islamic principles and values in public budgeting: a battle of mindset

I Farhana, C Markham, H Basri - Journal of Islamic Accounting and …, 2022 -
Purpose This paper aims to analyse the implementation of Islamic principles and values
within the budgetary management of one of Indonesia's local governments, that of Aceh …

Derterminan Kualitas Opini Audit Pemerintah Daerah

FIS Rahayu, F Fidiana - Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2018 -
Determinan Kualitas Opini Audit Pemerintah Daerah ditinjau dari Ketidaktaatan terhadap
Regulasi dan Kelemahan Sistem Pengendalian Internal. Studi ini hendak menguji …

Pengaruh akuntabilitas, transparansi, dan partisipasi Terhadap kinerja anggaran berbasis value for money

D Rigian, RP Sari - Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, 2019 -
The purpose of the research to test the effect of accountability, transparency, participation,
and supervision on the performance of budget based on the value for money in OPD …