New insight into proactive goaf inertisation for spontaneous combustion management and control
Spontaneous heating in the active goaf area during normal mining processes poses
increased threats to mine productivity and safety, as evidenced in events induced by …
increased threats to mine productivity and safety, as evidenced in events induced by …
A comprehensive study of effect of maceral content on tendency of spontaneous coal combustion occurrence
Coal mining has many serious hazards, and the spontaneous combustion phenomenon is
one of them. Many factors can influence the tendency for occurrence of this phenomenon …
one of them. Many factors can influence the tendency for occurrence of this phenomenon …
Effect of maceral content on tendency of spontaneous coal combustion using the R70 method
Spontaneous coal combustion (SCC) is one of the significant hazardous phenomena in
underground coal mines. The tendency of spontaneous coal combustion is an intrinsic …
underground coal mines. The tendency of spontaneous coal combustion is an intrinsic …
A new equation for the prediction of coal self-heating based on maceral content
The potential of occurrence of coal self-heating is controlled by various properties, both
intrinsic and extrinsic. In the intrinsic properties, the maceral content has an important role in …
intrinsic and extrinsic. In the intrinsic properties, the maceral content has an important role in …
[PDF][PDF] A comprehensive study on the effect of moisture content on coal spontaneous combustion tendency
There are several phenomenons for polluting the environment, especially in coalfields;
which coal spontaneous combustion is one of them. The moisture content is one of the …
which coal spontaneous combustion is one of them. The moisture content is one of the …
[HTML][HTML] Efecto del glicerol en la inhibición de la combustión espontánea de carbón sub-bituminoso
EA Taborda-Acevedo, WJ Jurado… - Boletín de Ciencias de la …, 2016 -
Factores que favorecen el fenómeno de auto-combustión del carbón depende
principalmente de las propiedades intrínsecas, tales como tamaño de partícula, contenido …
principalmente de las propiedades intrínsecas, tales como tamaño de partícula, contenido …
Glycerol effect on the inhibition of spontaneous combustion of subbituminous coal
EAT Acevedo, WJJ Valencia… - Boletín de Ciencias de la …, 2016 -
Factors favoring the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion in coal mainly depend on the
intrinsic properties such as coal particle size, moisture content, among others; the medium in …
intrinsic properties such as coal particle size, moisture content, among others; the medium in …