Is dynamic compilation possible for embedded systems?

HP Charles, V Lomüller - … of the 18th International Workshop on …, 2015 -
JIT compilation and dynamic compilation are powerful techniques allowing to delay the final
code generation to the runtime. There is many benefits: improved portability, virtual machine …

[PDF][PDF] Shader optimization and specialization

L Crawford - 2022 -
In the field of real-time graphics for computer games, performance has a significant effect on
the player's enjoyment and immersion. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are hardware …

Modèle de programmation bas niveau pour architecture de calcul proche mémoire

K Mambu - 2023 -
Depuis les années 60 le modèle architectural utilisé par les processeurs est le modèle'von
Neumann'dans lequel un processeur va chercher instructions et données à traiter dans la …

[引用][C] Is dynamic compilation possible for embedded system?