The effect of the relationship characteristics and social capital of the sharing economy business on the social network, relationship competitive advantage, and …
S Kang, YK Na - Sustainability, 2018 -
This study assessed relationship characteristics and social capital from the perspective of
interdependent linkage between sharing economy businesses and consumers, which can …
interdependent linkage between sharing economy businesses and consumers, which can …
Jovens e culturas cívicas: Por entre formas de consumo noticioso e de participação
MJ Brites - 2015 -
(Excerto) Há um sentimento generalizado não apenas hoje, mas em vários momentos
históricos, que dissocia os jovens do interesse de participar em sociedade e dos temas de …
históricos, que dissocia os jovens do interesse de participar em sociedade e dos temas de …
Jovens e práticas de acesso e de consumo de notícias nos media sociais
APS Silveira, I Amaral - 2018 -
As transformações no panorama mediático e as implicações destas ao nível do uso dos
media pelas gerações mais jovens têm sido objeto de estudo de várias investigações …
media pelas gerações mais jovens têm sido objeto de estudo de várias investigações …
Constructions of knowledge and childhood: Addressing current affairs with children with a focus on parents' practices and children's news media
KH Robinson, CJ Díaz… - Contemporary Issues in …, 2019 -
This paper examines the ways in which current affairs related to diversity and difference,
nationally and globally, are represented to Australian children in children's digital news …
nationally and globally, are represented to Australian children in children's digital news …
Contract farming towards social business: A new paradigm
The current paper conceptualises an innovative, sustainable social business contract
farming model by blending three essential business aspects, namely, relational norms …
farming model by blending three essential business aspects, namely, relational norms …
Children's citizenship and the news
C Carter - The Routledge International Handbook of Children …, 2022 -
This chapter focuses on the relationship between children and the news. It is argued that it
has become something of a truism that children regard the news as “boring.” Thus, no matter …
has become something of a truism that children regard the news as “boring.” Thus, no matter …
Why children's news matters: The case of CBBC Newsround in the UK
C Carter, J Steemers, MM Davies - Communications, 2021 -
There has never been a greater need for reliable, truthful news to help citizens navigate and
assess the veracity of what they are reading and viewing, especially on social media …
assess the veracity of what they are reading and viewing, especially on social media …
” Olisi törkeääkin, jos lapset ovat somessa, eikä kukaan tuottaisi heille laadukasta sisältöä.”: mediaympäristön mahdollisuudet lasten uutisten tuottamisessa lasten …
P Mäkilä - 2022 -
Lapsille suunnattujen uutissisältöjen määrä on kasvanut Suomessa viime vuosina.
Vuodesta 1944 ilmestyneen aikakauslehti Koululaisen rinnalla ovat nousseet viime vuosina …
Vuodesta 1944 ilmestyneen aikakauslehti Koululaisen rinnalla ovat nousseet viime vuosina …
Neste capítulo pensamos a já de si difícil relação entre o jornalismo e as suas audiências,
tendo em conta, nomeadamente, os novos reptos trazidos pela sociedade hiper-digitalizada …
tendo em conta, nomeadamente, os novos reptos trazidos pela sociedade hiper-digitalizada …
Journalists' and news editors' views on children as news subjects in Albanian media: Exploring issues of newsworthiness and self-censorship
E Kaziaj - Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 2018 -
This article explores the views of journalists and news editors on children in Albania,
through a series of interviews with noted media professionals. This study finds that stories …
through a series of interviews with noted media professionals. This study finds that stories …