[图书][B] Diritto internazionale e migrazioni irregolari via mare nell'esperienza italiana
F Mussi - 2023 - iris.unitn.it
La notevole estensione costiera e la posizione al centro del Mediterraneo sono elementi
che rendono l'Italia uno tra gli Stati maggiormente coinvolti dalle vicende che si svolgono in …
che rendono l'Italia uno tra gli Stati maggiormente coinvolti dalle vicende che si svolgono in …
Coercive Powers and Jurisdiction on the High Seas to Combat Human Smuggling
T Rafaraci - The Challenges of Illegal Trafficking in the …, 2023 - Springer
The paper addresses the main issues arising from the basic distinction between coercive
powers and adjudicative jurisdiction, concerning action against migrant smuggling in the …
powers and adjudicative jurisdiction, concerning action against migrant smuggling in the …
Verso una disciplina internazionale dell'immigrazione via mare: il ruolo dell'Italia
F Mussi - 2017 - boa.unimib.it
In light of conspicuous flows of migrants by sea through the Mediterranean Sea, the present
doctoral thesis aims at analyzing the role of Italy in the progressive development of an …
doctoral thesis aims at analyzing the role of Italy in the progressive development of an …
Corsi e ricorsi della politica italiana di contrasto all'immigrazione irregolare via mare
F CAFFIO - Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 2017 - JSTOR
Il grande impegno dell'Italia nel controllo dei flussi migratori attraverso il Mediterraneo
centrale è ben conosciuto. L'articolo esamina venticinque anni di tale attività evidenziando …
centrale è ben conosciuto. L'articolo esamina venticinque anni di tale attività evidenziando …
Migrations in the Mediterranean Between Protection of Human Rights and Border Control. An Italian Perspective
G Cataldi - Revue québécoise de droit international, 2018 - erudit.org
Migration through the Mediterranean has to be considered nowadays no more as an
emergency. The first urgency is always to save lives at sea, and the Italian Mare Nostrum …
emergency. The first urgency is always to save lives at sea, and the Italian Mare Nostrum …
Adjudicative Jurisdiction for Crimes at Sea: An International Law Perspective
S Forlati - The Challenges of Illegal Trafficking in the …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter discusses international rules on the exercise of adjudicatory jurisdiction for
crimes at sea and their implementation in Italy. It addresses recent domestic case law which …
crimes at sea and their implementation in Italy. It addresses recent domestic case law which …
Enforcing Sanctions on Iran At Sea: Tensions over the Interpretation and Application of the Law of the Sea
I Caracciolo - Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law-Volume …, 2021 - Springer
Some recent affairs concerning the detention of a British vessel and the seizure of an Iranian
tanker have put the spotlight on a further juridical aspect within the tangled question of …
tanker have put the spotlight on a further juridical aspect within the tangled question of …
[PDF][PDF] L'operazione Mare Nostrum
N Innocenzi - La politica migratoria italiana tra assistenza umanitaria …, 2016 - academia.edu
Le migrazioni hanno smesso da tempo di interessare solo coloro che prosasticamente
vengono definiti gli «esperti del settore», per entrare prepotentemente nella quotidianità dei …
vengono definiti gli «esperti del settore», per entrare prepotentemente nella quotidianità dei …
The impact of the new Italian security regulation on the search and rescue of migrants at sea
G Marchiafava - Poredbeno pomorsko pravo, 2020 - ceeol.com
On 15 June 2019, Decree Law No 53 of 14 June 2019, named Security Decree bis, entered
into force in Italy, establishing new provisions on order and public security, converted into …
into force in Italy, establishing new provisions on order and public security, converted into …
[图书][B] Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law-Volume VI: Nuclear Disarmament and Security at Risk–Legal Challenges in a Shifting Nuclear World
JL Black-Branch, D Fleck - 2021 - books.google.com
This sixth volume of the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law
focuses on current legal challenges regarding nuclear disarmament and security. The …
focuses on current legal challenges regarding nuclear disarmament and security. The …