[图书][B] Estimating illicit financial flows: A critical guide to the data, methodologies, and findings

A Cobham, P Janský - 2020 - library.oapen.org
Illicit financial flows constitute a global phenomenon of massive but uncertain scale, which
erodes government revenues and drives corruption in countries rich and poor. In 2015, the …

Research on corporate indebtedness determinants: A case study of Visegrad group countries

D Gajdosikova, K Valaskova, T Kliestik, M Kovacova - Mathematics, 2023 - mdpi.com
Debt financing is arguably the most important source of external financing for enterprises
and has become popular in recent years. Corporate debt is related to the monitoring of …

Onshore and offshore profit shifting and tax revenue losses in the European Union

D Nerudova, M Dobranschi, V Solilová, M Litzman - Economic Modelling, 2023 - Elsevier
The lack of coordination of tax policies across the European Union allows multinational
enterprises to engage in profit shifting to avoid their fair share of tax payments. This paper …

Corporate effective tax rates for research and policy

P Janský - Public Finance Review, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
How much companies pay in corporate income taxes is often better captured by effective tax
rates (ETRs) rather than by statutory ones. Economists further distinguish between those …

An alternative measure of profit shifting and corporate income tax losses

M Dobranschi, D Nerudová, V Solilová… - Journal of Multinational …, 2023 - Elsevier
The aim of this paper is to assess an alternative method of estimating the amount of profit
shifting and corporate income tax revenue losses. We propose a nonstandard methodology …

[PDF][PDF] Measurement of illicit financial flows

A Cobham, P Janský - UNODC-UNCTAD expert consultation on the …, 2017 - css.unodc.org
Summary Target 16.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals framework (SDGs) includes
the aim of reducing the overall level of 'illicit financial flows'(IFF), an umbrella term for a …

[PDF][PDF] Effective tax rates of multinational enterprises in the EU

P Janský - Brussels: The Greens/EFA Group in the European …, 2019 - groupelavigne.free.fr
This paper aims at contributing to ongoing policy debates about taxes paid by multinational
enterprises and about changes in the system of international corporate taxation. It assess …

International tax planning within the structure of corporate entities owned by the shareholder‐individuals through Panama Papers destinations

D Nerudova, V Solilova, M Litzman… - Development Policy …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Motivation The Panama Papers scandal highlighted the scale of financial secrecy,
anonymous ownership and shell companies and their role in profit shifting and tax …

Debt/asset ratio as evidence of profit-shifting behaviour in the Slovak Republic

M Ištok, M Kanderová - Technological and Economic Development of …, 2019 - jest.vgtu.lt
Companies use different methods and techniques to transfer taxable profits to tax havens.
The paper aims at analysing the influence of the relocation of the registered office of Slovak …

Profit shifting to onshore and offshore tax havens: the case of Visegrad countries

D Nerudová, M Dobranschi, V Solilová… - Post-Communist …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This paper is concerned with profit shifting within multinational groups. The aim is to
investigate the occurrence of pre-tax income shifting from foreign owned affiliates based in …