Gauge-string duality for superconformal deformations of N= 4 super Yang-Mills theory

SA Frolov, R Roiban, AA Tseytlin - Journal of High Energy …, 2005 -
We analyze in detail the relation between an exactly marginal deformation of Script N= 4
SYM—the Leigh-Strassler or``β-deformation''—and its string theory dual (recently …

Green-Schwarz strings in TsT-transformed backgrounds

LF Alday, G Arutyunov, S Frolov - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
We consider classical strings propagating in a background generated by a sequence of TsT
transformations. We describe a general procedure to derive the Green-Schwarz action for …

Review of AdS/CFT integrability, chapter IV. 2: deformations, orbifolds and open boundaries

K Zoubos - Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2012 - Springer
We review the role of integrability in the planar spectral problem of four-dimensional
superconformal gauge theories besides N= 4 SYM. The cases considered include the Leigh …

Y-system and β-deformed N= 4 super-Yang–Mills

N Gromov, F Levkovich-Maslyuk - Journal of Physics A …, 2010 -
We show how the perturbation theory results recently obtained by F Fiamberti, A
Santambrogio, C Sieg and D Zanon for operator anomalous dimensions of β-deformed …

Exploring the ground state spectrum of γ-deformed N= 4 SYM

F Levkovich-Maslyuk, M Preti - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract We study the γ-deformation of the planar\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 super Yang-Mills theory
which breaks all supersymmetries but is expected to preserve integrability of the model. We …

Superspace calculation of the four-loop spectrum in supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories

M Leoni, A Mauri, JA Minahan, O Ohlsson Sax… - Journal of High Energy …, 2010 - Springer
Abstract Using\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) superspace techniques we compute the four-loop spectrum
of single trace operators in the SU (2)× SU (2) sector of ABJM and ABJ supersymmetric …

Magnons, classical strings and β-deformations

CS Chu, G Georgiou, VV Khoze - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
Motivated by the recent work of Hofman and Maldacena [1] we construct a classical string
solution on the β-deformed AdS 5× tilde S 5 background. This string solution is identified …

Amplitudes in the β-deformed conformal Yang-Mills

VV Khoze - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
We study perturbative amplitudes in a large class of theories obtained by marginal
deformations of the Script N= 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We find that planar amplitudes …

Infrared stability of Chern-Simons matter theories

MS Bianchi, S Penati, M Siani - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 - Springer
According to the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence,\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) supersymmetric Chern-
Simons matter theories should have a stable fixed point in the infrared. In order to support …

Lunin-Maldacena deformations with three parameters

A Çatal-Özer - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
We examine the solution generating symmetries by which Lunin and Maldacena have
generated the gravity duals of β-deformations of certain field theories. We identify the O (2, 2 …