Molecular detection and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii from clinical samples

V Ivović, M Vujanić, T Živković, I Klun… - InTech, 2012 -
Over the past two decades, molecular diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, which is based on the
detection of T. gondii DNA in clinical samples, became an indispensable laboratory test …

Mолекуларна Детекција И Генотипизација Сојева Паразита Toxoplasma Gondii Изолованих У Србији

МЖ Вујанић - 2012 -
Тоksоplаzmоzа, оbоlјеnjе kоје izаzivа pаrаzit Toxoplasma gondii, јеdnа je оd
nајrаsprоstrаnjеniјih zооnоzа u svеtu, i prоcеnjuје sе dа је čаk јеdnа trеćinа čоvеčаnstvа …

[PDF][PDF] Toxoplasma gondii detection and genotyping in the Environmental matrices: soil and water in Gaza, Palestine

Z Dardona, A Al-Hindi, M Hafidi, A Boumezzough… - 2022 -
The aim of the current study was to determine the prevalence and genotypes of T. gondii
oocysts in soil and water samples from Gaza, Palestine. For this purpose290 environmental …

Моlеkulаrnа dеtеkciја i gеnоtipizаciја sојеvа pаrаzitа Toxoplasma gondii izоlоvаnih u Srbiјi

M Vujanić - Универзитет у Београду, 2012 -
Тоksоplаzmоzа, оbоlјеnjе kоје izаzivа pаrаzit Toxoplasma gondii, јеdnа je оd
nајrаsprоstrаnjеniјih zооnоzа u svеtu, i prоcеnjuје sе dа је čаk јеdnа trеćinа čоvеčаnstvа …

[PDF][PDF] Molekularna detekcija i genotipizacija sojeva parazita Toxoplasma gondii izolovanih u Srbiji

M Vujanić - 2012 -
Toxoplasmosis, infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, is one of the most
widespread zoonoses in the world and it has been estimated that up to one third of the …

[PDF][PDF] the body in movement: a clinical approach

M Probst, J Diedens - 2017 -
Physiotherapy or body oriented therapy is often overlooked as an adjunctive treatment for
patients with eating disorders (ED). However, the integration of physiotherapy is based on …