Automated analysis of feature models 20 years later: A literature review
Software product line engineering is about producing a set of related products that share
more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and …
more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and …
Feature-oriented software product lines
The idea for this book arose from a series of lectures on modern programming paradigms,
feature-oriented programming, and software product lines that are continuously held at the …
feature-oriented programming, and software product lines that are continuously held at the …
Feature models, grammars, and propositional formulas
D Batory - International Conference on Software Product Lines, 2005 - Springer
Feature models are used to specify members of a product-line. Despite years of progress,
contemporary tools often provide limited support for feature constraints and offer little or no …
contemporary tools often provide limited support for feature constraints and offer little or no …
Automated reasoning on feature models
Abstract Software Product Line (SPL) Engineering has proved to be an effective method for
software production. However, in the SPL community it is well recognized that variability in …
software production. However, in the SPL community it is well recognized that variability in …
A classification and systematic review of product line feature model defects
Product line (PL)-based development is a thriving research area to develop software-
intensive systems. Feature models (FMs) facilitate derivation of valid products from a PL by …
intensive systems. Feature models (FMs) facilitate derivation of valid products from a PL by …
[PDF][PDF] Cardinality-based feature modeling and constraints: A progress report
K Czarnecki, CHP Kim - International Workshop on Software …, 2005 -
Software factories have been proposed as a comprehensive and integrative approach to
generative software development. Feature modeling has several applications in generative …
generative software development. Feature modeling has several applications in generative …
Virtual separation of concerns: toward preprocessors 2.0
C Kästner - 2012 -
Bedingte Kompilierung ist ein einfaches und häufig benutztes Mittel zur Implementierung
von Variabilität in Softwareproduktlinien, welches aber aufgrund negativer Auswirkungen …
von Variabilität in Softwareproduktlinien, welches aber aufgrund negativer Auswirkungen …
[PDF][PDF] Using Constraint Programming to Reason on Feature Models.
Feature models have been cited as one of the main contributions to model software product
families. However, there is still a gap in product family engineering which is the automated …
families. However, there is still a gap in product family engineering which is the automated …
Efficient reasoning techniques for large scale feature models
M Mendonça - 2009 -
In Software Product Lines (SPLs), a feature model can be used to represent the similarities
and differences within a family of software systems. This allows describing the systems …
and differences within a family of software systems. This allows describing the systems …
[PDF][PDF] A Survey on the Automated Analyses of Feature Models.
Feature models are one of the most important assets in software product line engineering
when capturing variability. Although the analyses of feature models was stated as …
when capturing variability. Although the analyses of feature models was stated as …