Hospital healthcare experiences of children and young people with life-threatening or life-shortening conditions, and their parents: scoping reviews and resultant …

S Mukherjee, N Richardson, B Beresford - BMC pediatrics, 2023 - Springer
Background Patient experience is a core component of healthcare quality. Patient-reported
experience measures (PREMs) are increasingly used to assess this, but there are few …

Câncer infantil e impactos emocionais para a família: Uma revisão da literatura

JA de Souza, JYFA Campos… - Research, Society and …, 2021 -
Childhood cancer, defined as cancer in children and adolescents aged 0-19 years, has
profound impacts on everyone's lives, being a great inducer of negative feelings in children …

“It's hard to talk when your child has a life threatening illness”: A qualitative study of couples whose child is diagnosed with cancer

A Hooghe, PC Rosenblatt… - Journal of Pediatric …, 2020 -
When parents are confronted with something as fundamental as a cancer diagnosis for their
child, it is generally assumed that sharing the emotional impact of it, in the form of talking …

Nutrition education and cooking workshops for families of children with cancer: a feasibility study

S Beaulieu-Gagnon, V Bélanger, C Meloche, D Curnier… - BMC nutrition, 2019 - Springer
Background Changes in food intake are common in children with cancer and are often
caused by nausea and perturbations in sense of taste. The VIE (Valorization, Implication …

Experienced dyadic emotion regulation and coping of parents with a seriously ill child.

K Koivula, H Kokki, M Korhonen, A Laitila… - Couple and Family …, 2019 -
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe parents' experiences of jointly
regulating their emotions when their child gets life-threateningly sick. The aim of this study …

[PDF][PDF] Couple resilience, dyadic emotion regulation, and mental health of parents with a seriously ill child

K Koivula - 2023 -
ABSTRACT A child's serious illness is a crisis for the whole family that affects the
psychological well-being and intimate relationship of parents in many ways. The purpose of …

Sentimentos de familiares de pacientes pediátricos oncológicos: uma revisão da literatura

VR Zonta, PMK Barbosa… - … A LAS CIENCIAS …, 2024 -
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os sentimentos de familiares de pacientes
pediátricos oncológicos. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, a qual teve como …

Impacte d'una intervenció integral de suport d'infermeria sobre el benestar dels cuidadors informals principals d'infants amb Leucèmia

N Juan Arimany - 2021 -
Introducció: El càncer en un infant és un esdeveniment inesperat i traumàtic per la família. El
més prevalent en els infants és la leucèmia i apareix quan els glòbuls blancs de la sang es …