Factors of adoption of eco-labelling in hotel industry

E Leroux, PC Pupion - Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018 - Elsevier
The article aims to understand the reasons why hoteliers adopt an eco-label, but also to
identify the factors that may call into question this choice in a context where the …

[PDF][PDF] Sustainability indicators in hotels: a systematic literature review.

M Reem, SM Rasoolimanesh, WS Nelum Rajika - 2022 - fslmjournals.taylors.edu.my
In recent years, the concept of sustainability has gained rapid attention in global initiatives,
including in research endeavours where concerns over sustainability remain key. Notably …

Adopters versus non-adopters of the Green Key ecolabel in the Dutch accommodation sector

E Buunk, E van der Werf - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
Accommodation providers such as hotels, campsites, and holiday villages can use
ecolabels to show their green credentials to potential customers. Whereas there is extensive …

Ecolabelling in the Romanian seaside hotel industry—Marketing considerations, financial constraints, perspectives

A Barbulescu, AD Moraru, C Duhnea - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
The tendency to implement diverse environmental tools and promote the adoption of
environmentally friendly practices in tourism activities is relatively new. One such tool is the …

Determination of managers' attitudes towards eco-labeling applied in the context of sustainable tourism and evaluation of the effects of eco-labeling on …

Y Yılmaz, E Üngüren, YY Kaçmaz - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
The attitudes of departmental managers towards eco-labels are extremely important for the
realization of sustainable tourism practices in accommodation enterprises. Research …

Is the hotel industry really committed to the environment? Answering using the business models framework

MA Quintás, AI Martínez-Senra, A García-Pintos - Service Business, 2023 - Springer
Abstract This paper conceptualizes Environmental Business Models in the hotel industry as
the result of a balanced emphasis on several initiatives regarding value proposition, value …

[PDF][PDF] Eco-labels in the tourism sector in South Africa: benefits and barriers

R Sucheran, L Arulappan - … of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure; Vol …, 2020 - academia.edu
The considerable increase in tourism activities over the years equates to notable economic
and social benefits. Patent as one of the most emergent sectors of the global economy, the …

Konaklama işletmelerinde atık yönetimi ve geri dönüşüm: İnönü Üniversitesi Kale Göl Otel örneği

M Deste, H Binbaşıoğlu, M Türk - Anemon Muş Alparslan …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışmada, konaklama işletmelerinde atık yönetimi ve geri dönüşüm ile ilgili süreçlerin
tanımlanmasına ve Yeşil Yıldız kriterleri çerçevesinde bir konaklama işletmesinde bu …

Otel işletmelerinin çevre yönetim sistemine katılımının engelleyicileri ve çevre yönetimi uygulama düzeyine etkisi

M Boyraz - 2022 - acikerisim.aku.edu.tr
Çevre yönetimi kavramının turizmde önem kazanmaya başlamasıyla, özellikle oteller için
birçok kurum ve kuruluş tarafından ulusal, bölgesel veya uluslararası nitelikli çeşitli çevre …

[PDF][PDF] Особенности проявления социальноэкологической ответственности бизнеса в отечественной индустрии туризма

СИ Мишулина, НИ Матова - Регион: Экономика и Социология, 2020 - sibran.ru
формирования СЭО бизнеса позволят задействовать в полной мере это социальное …