On the number of walks in a triangular domain

PRG Mortimer, T Prellberg - arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.4448, 2014 - arxiv.org
We consider walks on a triangular domain that is a subset of the triangular lattice. We then
specialise this by dividing the lattice into two directed sublattices with different weights. Our …

Major index for 01-fillings of moon polyominoes

WYC Chen, S Poznanović, CH Yan… - Journal of Combinatorial …, 2010 - Elsevier
We propose a major index statistic on 01-fillings of moon polyominoes which, when
specialized to certain shapes, reduces to the major index for permutations and set partitions …

Combinatorics of arc diagrams, Ferrers fillings, Young tableaux and lattice paths

J Post - 2009 - summit.sfu.ca
Several recent works have explored the deep structure between arc diagrams, their nestings
and crossings, and several other combinatorial objects including permutations, graphs …

Tiling bijections between paths and Brauer diagrams

BR Marsh, P Martin - Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2011 - Springer
There is a natural bijection between Dyck paths and basis diagrams of the Temperley–Lieb
algebra defined via tiling. Overhang paths are certain generalisations of Dyck paths allowing …

A Bijection Between Partially Directed Paths in the SymmetricWedge and Matchings

S Poznanović - Annals of Combinatorics, 2011 - Springer
We give a bijection between partially directed paths in the symmetric wedge y=±x and
matchings, which sends north steps to nestings. This gives a bijective proof of a result of …

Crossings and nestings in four combinatorial families

SR Burrill - 2009 - summit.sfu.ca
The combinatorial families of matchings, set partitions, permutations and graphs can each
be represented by a series of vertices along a horizontal line with arcs connecting them …

Lattice path enumeration on restricted domains

P Mortimer - 2016 - qmro.qmul.ac.uk
This thesis concerns the enumeration and structural properties of lattice paths. The study of
Dyck paths and their characteristics is a classical combinatorial subject. In particular, it is …


RJ Marsh, P Martin - emis.de
There is a natural bijection between Dyck paths and basis diagrams of the Temperley-Lieb
algebra defined via tiling. Overhang paths are certain generalisations of Dyck paths allowing …

[PDF][PDF] Tiling bijections between paths and Brauer diagrams

P Martin - 2010 - academia.edu
There is a natural bijection between Dyck paths and basis diagrams of the Temperley–Lieb
algebra defined via tiling. Overhang paths are certain generalisations of Dyck paths allowing …

[引用][C] Svetlana Poznanović Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA

V China - Annals of Combinatorics, 2011