Equity factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Difficulties in emergency remote teaching (ert) through online learning
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Emergency Remote Teaching through Online
Learning (ERT-OL) has become the prevalent form of learning at many universities …
Learning (ERT-OL) has become the prevalent form of learning at many universities …
How parents of children with autism spectrum disorder experience the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives and insights on the new normal
G Bozkus-Genc, S Sani-Bozkurt - Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2022 - Elsevier
Background Considering the fact that family members necessarily spend more time together
during the pandemic, this study aims to reveal the perceptions of parents with children who …
during the pandemic, this study aims to reveal the perceptions of parents with children who …
Loss of brick-and-mortar schooling: How elementary educators respond
E Anderson, A Hira - Information and Learning Sciences, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to understand how elementary school educators who teach
subjects that traditionally require hands-on work in schools are rising to the challenge of …
subjects that traditionally require hands-on work in schools are rising to the challenge of …
The review of the international voices on the responses of the worldwide school closures policy searching during Covid-19 pandemic
SO Manullang, E Satria - Jurnal Iqra' …, 2020 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
This article was to determine the voice of the international community in responding to the
challenges of school closure policies during the 2019 Covid-19 pandemic. Effort to break the …
challenges of school closure policies during the 2019 Covid-19 pandemic. Effort to break the …
US and Finnish high school science engagement during the COVID‐19 pandemic
S Maestrales, R Marias Dezendorf… - International Journal …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
When the COVID‐19 pandemic struck, research teams in the United States and Finland
were collaborating on a study to improve adolescent academic engagement in chemistry …
were collaborating on a study to improve adolescent academic engagement in chemistry …
[PDF][PDF] Sustaining a prolonged pivot: Appraising challenges facing higher education stakeholders in switching to online learning
K Egan, Y Crotty - International Journal for Transformative Research, 2020 - sciendo.com
An Irish Government directive to close colleges amid the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a
switch to emergency remote teaching. Many lecturers unused to practicing online began …
switch to emergency remote teaching. Many lecturers unused to practicing online began …
Course grades as a signal of student achievement: evidence of grade inflation before and after COVID‐19
D Goldhaber, M Goodman Young - Journal of Policy Analysis …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
There is widespread speculation and some evidence that grades and grading standards
changed during the pandemic, making higher grades relatively easier to achieve. In this …
changed during the pandemic, making higher grades relatively easier to achieve. In this …
How did introductory psychology students experience the transition to remote online instruction amid the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City?
This study examined how undergraduate students (N= 153, M age= 19.3 years, 58.8%
female) in an Introductory Psychology course experienced the transition to fully online …
female) in an Introductory Psychology course experienced the transition to fully online …
An Examination of School District Reopening Plans for Mental Health Supports amid COVID-19 School Reopening
TM Childs, AL Iachini - Children & Schools, 2023 - academic.oup.com
The purpose of this exploratory qualitative study was to understand the types of mental
health supports described in school district reopening plans in one southeastern state, and …
health supports described in school district reopening plans in one southeastern state, and …
Auditorinio ir nuotolinio kontaktinio mokymo (si) virtualioje erdvėje integravimo prielaidos aukštojo mokslo koleginiu ir universitetiniu lygmeniu: studentų požiūris ir …
Ž Advilonienė - Pedagogika, 2022 - ceeol.com
Anotacija. COVID-19 pandemija karantino sąlygomis lėmė būtinybę užtikrinti nuotolinių
studijų sklandumą ir kokybę. Straipsnyje pristatomi empirinio tyrimo radiniai apie studentų …
studijų sklandumą ir kokybę. Straipsnyje pristatomi empirinio tyrimo radiniai apie studentų …